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5+ Year Member
Jan 6, 2017
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I took AP Lit in high school and my college, UCLA, counts this as credit for a course titled English Comp 3 which is worth 5 quarter units. Does anyone know if this would contribute to the college english requirement for Western U. I'm not sure if credit for this course would appear on my official transcript. Thanks

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It's accepted.
9 quarter units. You are 4 short currently :D

If you are up for it, take one more English course.

You've completed the composition course. It's kind of recommended that you take English 4W.
It's a critical reading & writing course. Pre-req is Eng Comp 3
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Do you know someone from UCLA who used AP credit to fulfill this pre req for Western U? Srry, I don't mean to ask too many questions on what should be a simple matter. I'm just a bit worried. In case I get accepted, I don't want to lose my spot over some sort of technicality for pre reqs.
Do you know someone from UCLA who used AP credit to fulfill this pre req for Western U? Srry, I don't mean to ask too many questions on what should be a simple matter. I'm just a bit worried. In case I get accepted, I don't want to lose my spot over some sort of technicality for pre reqs.
Asking a lot is a good thing, but I do not have that specific info.
Best advice I can give is: email Western U :)
Trust me, you'll find that info by emailing them. And you'll actually do this a lot in the future.
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