English Prerequisites

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Mar 23, 2021
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Recently I reached out to dental schools and asked if two writing-intensive courses from the humanity department (Religion in this case) would satisfy English prerequisites. I sent the course syllabi, and they said the two courses that I took would satisfy the requirements.

However, my question is that once I submit my application, do I need to send copies of the syllabus to the dental schools directly via email with my CAS ID number? Or should I not worry about it?

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No, don’t worry about it. I had similar questions because my English requirement to graduate was supplemented by AP credits. Some schools are fine if your school accepts whatever credits you have to graduate that fulfill the English requirement.

So long story short, you’re fine. You have it in writing in an email. You should be good to go. Some schools will even accept upper division writing intensive labs. My Biochem lab that was writing intensive was counted by some schools. The writing/English requirements for dental schools are probably the most laid back of all of them it seemed like to me.
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No, don’t worry about it. I had similar questions because my English requirement to graduate was supplemented by AP credits. Some schools are fine if your school accepts whatever credits you have to graduate that fulfill the English requirement.

So long story short, you’re fine. You have it in writing in an email. You should be good to go. Some schools will even accept upper division writing intensive labs. My Biochem lab that was writing intensive was counted by some schools. The writing/English requirements for dental schools are probably the most laid back of all of them it seemed like to me.
thank youuuu :').. life savior
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No, don’t worry about it. I had similar questions because my English requirement to graduate was supplemented by AP credits. Some schools are fine if your school accepts whatever credits you have to graduate that fulfill the English requirement.

So long story short, you’re fine. You have it in writing in an email. You should be good to go. Some schools will even accept upper division writing intensive labs. My Biochem lab that was writing intensive was counted by some schools. The writing/English requirements for dental schools are probably the most laid back of all of them it seemed like to me.
For your Biochem lab that was writing intensive, did you say the subject title is "technical writing" or "biochemistry" on the transcript entry section of the application?
When you pick your courses for writing classes for each school you pick the classes and can designate more than the minimum. They’ll see the title of the course
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