ERAS is a bit behind the times

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15+ Year Member
Sep 9, 2008
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Im filling out generic easy stuff on there for now and noticed that in the scroll down menu for medical education my degree is listed as "Doctor of Osteopathy." Apparently not osteopathic medicine. AWesome!

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Thought "Osteopathy" was an old outdated term or reserved for those in europe who solely do manipulation. It was my understanding we were studying osteopathic medicine. But, guess I was led astray.
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Thought "Osteopathy" was an old outdated term or reserved for those in europe who solely do manipulation. It was my understanding we were studying osteopathic medicine. But, guess I was led astray.

I agree with you here. I know it's pretty much splitting hairs, but hearing somebody refer to the degree as "Doctor of Osteopathy" kind of makes me cringe.
there are a lot of big diplomas out there that say doctor of osteopathy. the term is still in the law books in many states e.g. the west virginia board of osteopathy never changed its name. i still see osteopathy in many physician ads. it's not a big deal really.
I'm not really offended by it..even if is is an archaic term.
I mean, it's not like I lose sleep over it. Sure it gets on my nerves a bit, but so do Justin Bieber haircuts and people who refer to the MCAT as the "MCATs" (is there more than one?). No harm, no foul.
I mean, it's not like I lose sleep over it. Sure it gets on my nerves a bit, but so do Justin Bieber haircuts and people who refer to the MCAT as the "MCATs" (is there more than one?). No harm, no foul.

Or the COMPLEX. Especially when it's someone who is about to take it :laugh:
there are a lot of big diplomas out there that say doctor of osteopathy. the term is still in the law books in many states e.g. the west virginia board of osteopathy never changed its name. i still see osteopathy in many physician ads. it's not a big deal really.

Interesting, but it's good to know that WVSOM's diplomas say Doctor of Osteopathic Medicine. I've seen some old ones that said Doctor of Osteopathy, and I really agree that it's an archaic name. I am certainly glad to have my degree state that I've studied actual medicine. I don't know about you all, but I don't feel like an "osteopath."