ERAS question about submitting board scores

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Sir Niels Bohr

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10+ Year Member
Sep 29, 2011
Reaction score
Hi - I'll make this a short question. I took both the comlex and the USMLE. I did significantly worse (comparatively) on the USMLE step 1. I'm applying for DO IM and FM programs. Is it generally required that I select to release both of my scores on ERAS to DO programs, or would releasing just my COMLEX be good considering they are DO programs? My step 2 scores have not been released yet, I took the USMLE step 2 CK in hopes of increasing my score.

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The USMLE can only be assigned to ACGME accredited programs. If you are purely applying to DO programs that are only accredited by the AOA then the USMLE scores don't matter. Refer to page 30.

Just to clarify- make sure it's not a program that goes through both the DO and MD match. I've heard some students say they are applying to a "DO program" when in reality it is a program that goes through both the DO and MD match, so you can apply to it through both the DO and/or MD via ERAS. If it were to be a dual program, I'm not sure if you're required to submit both... but a residency director once told me that they could ask you in your interview if you took both and if you tell them yes but didn't submit your score, it looks bad. So I guess take that for what it's worth.
Good luck to you this application season!
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Just to clarify- make sure it's not a program that goes through both the DO and MD match. I've heard some students say they are applying to a "DO program" when in reality it is a program that goes through both the DO and MD match, so you can apply to it through both the DO and/or MD via ERAS. If it were to be a dual program, I'm not sure if you're required to submit both... but a residency director once told me that they could ask you in your interview if you took both and if you tell them yes but didn't submit your score, it looks bad. So I guess take that for what it's worth.
Good luck to you this application season!

Can you even submit your USMLE score to the "Osteopathic" program on a dual-accredited program in ERAS? I can't right now. I can only release COMLEX scores, unless I'm missing something.

Also, I've heard of AOA only surgical programs asking about USMLE scores, just FYI.
Can you even submit your USMLE score to the "Osteopathic" program on a dual-accredited program in ERAS? I can't right now. I can only release COMLEX scores, unless I'm missing something.

I didn't take USMLE, so really I'm not sure about that one!