F on Transcripts after invite

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Jul 23, 2008
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I recieved a F in a class and I just recieved an invite what should i do?

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get in first. deal with it later.
get in first. deal with it later.

Exactly, dont let the school know about it until after they accept you. Once accepted they will not reject you for any reason, as long as you complete all prerequisits, so you will have to retake the course but then the F goes away and noone knows better. Just whatever you do make sure the adcoms dont see the F.
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I thought the grade stays on the transcript, and even after i retake, the original grade still appears in the transcript.
Was the F already on the transcript that you sent to the schools or did you get the F afterwards?
Afterwards, it was in the summer, after I submitted the spring transcripts.
you better get in this cycle.