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10+ Year Member
Jul 24, 2009
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I'm not sure if this has been asked before, but sorry ahead of time if it has.

I've only been interviewed at 2 schools and haven't heard a single word from either one. Can I still fill out the FAFSA just in case I do hear something back in the near future or would I have to wait until I'm officially accepted to do so?

Thank you very much for y'alls help :)

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I have not been accepted yet and I filled out the fafsa for both the schools I interviewed at. If you wait until you get accepted it may be too late.
I have not been accepted yet and I filled out the fafsa for both the schools I interviewed at. If you wait until you get accepted it may be too late.

Okay, I kinda figured that would be the case, but I just wanted to make sure.

Thank you!!! :)