Failing Operative

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Nov 8, 2022
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Current dental student here (D1). I think that I will be receiving an F for our operative lab class this semester, but I have been doing well in my other didactics courses. I was wondering about how much this will hurt my chances for specializing. For example, if my rank is around top 30-40%, but I have an F in the operative course, would having the failing grade in itself be a major red flag for residencies?

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Getting an F in D1 is a little like flunking reading in 1st grade.
Just as reading is an important tool to learn more in school, restorative is the basic building block of dentistry.
If you think specializing is in your future you need to do everything you can to change your restorative status now.
---Sadly some of us just don't have "hands" and the fine motor requirements for dentistry are just NOT there.
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I would be more concerned about how you can improve your restorative skills than specializing
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Have you gotten a tutor yet? How often are you practicing? Have you asked classmates for help?

Operative was difficult at first but eventually, you start to see how things fit together and it will start to click. You just have to keep practicing and getting your reps in. I do agree, you need to focus on getting the hand skills and fundamentals down before you can really consider specializing. I don't think one bad grade is going to kill you if you're doing well in other courses, but specialists do need to understand the fundamentals too.

There are some great videos on youtube, particularly from Stevenson Dental Solutions which he goes over many different preparations in great detail and oftentimes teaches things better than my faculty or provides an easier method of breaking interproximal contact, getting smooth margins on a crown prep, etc, etc. Lots of great resources online if you're a visual learner like me.