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Jan 7, 2005
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Can someone run down the FAP, or point me in the right direction for links. I have not been able to succefully google it, my ADD got the better of me.

Also is it possible to do Navy HPSP --> GMO 4yr-->Civilian residency/FAP--> very long reserve commitment. Seems like a good way to have your cake and eat it to in terms of money and military service.

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AubreyMaturin said:
Can someone run down the FAP, or point me in the right direction for links. I have not been able to succefully google it, my ADD got the better of me.

Also is it possible to do Navy HPSP --> GMO 4yr-->Civilian residency/FAP--> very long reserve commitment. Seems like a good way to have your cake and eat it to in terms of money and military service.

Hi there...
Check the link "fap information" in this forum... its like the 6th or 7th on page 2. I put a lot of info on FAP on that page and should answer many of your questions.. please feel free to ask any more if unanswered..

About doing HPSP and GMO tours first then FAP.. the answer is that yes you can.. There is nothing in the application for FAp that perhibits you from being in a mil. program ahead of time.. HOWEVER, sounds too much time in Pre-residency to me.. I mean you will have to finsih your HPSP obligation first.. then apply for residency and then enter FAP.. This will basically mean that you will finish your residency anywhere from 10 to 13 years after medical school, dept on your field.. if that is ok with you. then all power to you..

Ask if you have quesitons..
take care
aatrek said:
Hi there...
Check the link "fap information" in this forum... its like the 6th or 7th on page 2. I put a lot of info on FAP on that page and should answer many of your questions.. please feel free to ask any more if unanswered..

About doing HPSP and GMO tours first then FAP.. the answer is that yes you can.. There is nothing in the application for FAp that perhibits you from being in a mil. program ahead of time.. HOWEVER, sounds too much time in Pre-residency to me.. I mean you will have to finsih your HPSP obligation first.. then apply for residency and then enter FAP.. This will basically mean that you will finish your residency anywhere from 10 to 13 years after medical school, dept on your field.. if that is ok with you. then all power to you..

Ask if you have quesitons..
take care

10-13 years after graduation? I thought that I would start my residency 4 years after med school. four year GMO after med school, then residency.
Would I also have to serve my HPSP reserved duty obligation (4yrs I thought) before residency? Am I missing something (I probably am).
AubreyMaturin said:
10-13 years after graduation? I thought that I would start my residency 4 years after med school. four year GMO after med school, then residency.
Would I also have to serve my HPSP reserved duty obligation (4yrs I thought) before residency? Am I missing something (I probably am).

You are correct, sorry.. I was for some reason putting med school into the calc. and I shouldn't have.. so you will finish the HPSP.. then do your obligation... and then leave the mil and enter a civilian resid. of your choice and apply/enter FAP at the same time, and then go back to mil. Uhmm i see your point now.. I guess if you really are into having a mil carear.. this would make sense..

remember, that being in the mil after FAP is NOTHING like mil after HPSP... its a million times better... for all the reasons I stated in the pervious forum..
