February interviews

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Hmm...I was complete at all my schools by first week of september (and some earlier). What do you think my chances are of being able to schedule all interview offers that I'm lucky enough to get by february? I'm waiting to hear back from about 8 pretty selective schools. My stats are 34MCAT and a 3.9 from a top tier school, with EC's with the usual research/clinical/leadership stuff.

I'm planning to be out of the country in february for about 3 weeks and am paranoid that I"ll get no invites until january to be scheduled in february, and I will just curl into a corner on the other side of the world and cry, lol. How afraid of this scenario should I be?

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I'm planning to be out of the country in february for about 3 weeks and am paranoid that I"ll get no invites until january to be scheduled in february, and I will just curl into a corner on the other side of the world and cry, lol. How afraid of this scenario should I be?

Don't worry yet! So, I've got a few invites so far and they are in the Dec-Feb range. That said, the schools do give you some choice. If they don't just give you a calendar, they'll give you several options to choose from.

Given when you entered all your stuff, you could easily still get interview invites for January. And if not? Well, a lot of schools are still interviewing in March. Being away happens. You can work around it.
Thanks for the reassurance :) Sigh, I wish interview season were 3 months long instead of 7 months..Makes it really hard to plan things. Not to mention the torture that is waiting, lol.