Feedback my timline

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Jan 4, 2012
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I would appreciate any help/feedback with my timeline. I'm 27 years old and graduated undergrad a few years ago with a BS in Comp Sci. Before I graduated, I finished all of the pre-med classes but I didn't take the MCAT. The plan was to work for 1 year while studying for the MCAT and then matriculate at the end of 2 years. However, finances were tight and my job paid pretty well so I tried to push the med school dream aside.

Its been 3 years later and I realize that I want to go to med school. Anyway, I was planning on taking the MCAT late summer/ early fall '17. I'm considering quitting my job in June/July to study for the test. Then in the fall I want to take 2 classes at my university to get letters of recommendations (I didn't form any relationships with my professors in college). I want to apply in the summer of '18 and hopefully matriculate in fall of '19.

However, and I know its silly but I'm scared to quit my job because I'll need to find something to do for a year and a half, I'll still have to pay off my student loans, and I don't know if this plan makes sense. I guess, I'm just looking for some honest feedback, and possibly some support in going forward with this.

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Well, you sound single and you sound like you have no kids. Can you live off ramen and out of your car? Depends on how bad you want it. I'm married with three kids and am the only working adult. I'm trying to matriculate at the same time while working all the way until I attend. It's my dream, and I know I'm going to be able to do it. It's scary, but honestly, it's not something I worry about because I either worry about how I make the dream work, or I make the dream work.

If you want to do it, do it. If you don't know if you want to do it, figure it out. You'll thank yourself once your mind is set, whichever way it sets.