Filling out secondaries without LORs?

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7+ Year Member
Jan 28, 2015
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My Pre-Med committee packet will be submitted to AACOMAS after august 28th. I've applied to 6 schools and only received 2 secondaries. I'm wondering if other schools are waiting for receipt of my letters prior to sending secondaries. Also, If I could complete the secondaries for CCOM and NVU without having my LORs submitted? I assume once AACOMAS received my LORs I will be able to just transmit them to all the schools is this correct?

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July 28th for the LOR date not august. Pardon me.
My Pre-Med committee packet will be submitted to AACOMAS after august 28th. I've applied to 6 schools and only received 2 secondaries. I'm wondering if other schools are waiting for receipt of my letters prior to sending secondaries. Also, If I could complete the secondaries for CCOM and NVU without having my LORs submitted? I assume once AACOMAS received my LORs I will be able to just transmit them to all the schools is this correct?

I'm not sure. My school uses VirtualEval and I did not need to submit any LOR through AACOMAS. I had no problems getting secondaries from all my schools with my verified AACOMAS app before they uploaded my LOR.