First Argument as a Pharmacist

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15+ Year Member
Feb 21, 2004
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Does anyone remember their first argument as a licensed pharmacist? I just got into it over an insurance issue with a patient. First, she started by complaining to our pharmacy manager by calling me a "Packastani pharmacist." I may be INDIAN, but I was born and raised in TN. I didn't appreciate the racist comment. Then she proceeded to call me a liar and that she was going to have me fired. Tell me about a bad day! Anyway, she kept pushing me button until I told her I didnt give a **** and that she can try to get me fired if thats what she really wants. I probably shouldn't have been so blunt, but I cant stand racist people and I will refuse to apologize to her when our manger tells me to do it. I would rather quit than give into someone like that. Anyway, just venting!

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Welcome to the world of retail pharmacy my friend. One constant everyday is people are idiots. Somedays are good and some are bad. You have to learn not to let the bad days get you down. (If I were your pharmacy manger I would not make you apologize).
I don't have to argue any more.
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Here is where I specialize. Rules for dealing with an idiot:

  1. Be Nice. The meaner they get, the nicer you get.
  2. Be polite. Address them as Mr. A-hole or Mrs. A-Hole or Ms. A-hole or Sir or Mam.
  3. Don't say NO until you have to.
  4. Offer them an alternative and let them make the decision. That way they think they have control. I'm sorry Mrs. A-hole your plan won't pay for drug X, would you like me to call the doctor for a replacement or would you like to pay cash, the price is $X.
  5. Once they use the race card or profanity, warn them nicely to speak with a civil tongue or you will have them removed. If they continue call the store manager or security have them removed from the building.
  6. Never raise your voice.
  7. Never loose your cool.
If your manager asks you apologize, you will have to. Once you told the patient you didn't give a s***, you lost all of the moral high ground, please see rule number one. Nothing pisses them off more than not falling for their crap.
If you post more detail, I can give you more specific guidance....
Except with Spiriva Sunshine at SDN:laugh:

lol...he's just not used to women who don't fall for his charms ;)

Great advice on dealing with raging patients though. Nothing gets under their nerves more than a sweet talking pharmacist when they're being a jerk. And you'll feel better yourself too than had you lost your cool...
Yeah, the thing you have to learn with these people who are mean to you is that they want you to stoop to their level and get angry back at them. Nothing pleases them more than to see you get all riled up. As soon as I figured that out, it was much easier to let it go in one ear and out the other.

It still makes me mad that I get flushed when talking to an angry customer, but I'm hoping that I will somehow be able to one day keep that physiological reaction under control. I still get kind of flustered when I don't know what to say to them (which no doubt is what leads to the flushing), but at least I don't get angry back anymore.

I'm sure that after dealing with these situations enough, I'll figure out the procedure and what to say, and then (hopefully) the flushing will go away. Since I still look kind of young, they think it is easy to get me, but it is so awesome to watch their look of defeat when they realize that I'm not playing along with their little fussy rants.

Also, a good thing to keep in mind that Old Timer mentioned is that if they start getting outright offensive to you, as in if they say anything racist or use profanity, then you can stop helping them right at that moment. As soon as they cross that line, you have no further obligations to help them. Any decent managment should back you up on that. Anyone that doesn't, I would quit that instant.
lol...he's just not used to women who don't fall for his charms ;)

Great advice on dealing with raging patients though. Nothing gets under their nerves more than a sweet talking pharmacist when they're being a jerk. And you'll feel better yourself too than had you lost your cool...

Women never fall for me...charm or not..
Our unwritten rule with my pharmacists/techs are that if anything racial or profane comes out, all communication with the patient stops, we page over a manager, and they are escorted out of the store.