Florida, in-state interviews this Saturday - anyone else freaking out?

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I know 3 other people said theirs was clearly not a closed file review. Of course they can do what they want to do. But I do not think it's professional to tell candidates right after they interviewed that is clearly is closed file. If the process has changed, okay. But why tell people it's closed, when it clearly was not? Is this poor communication within the adcom about procedures?

I personally was not asked questions about my ps, but someone in my group said she was.

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The UF interview was closed file last year and every previous year. From what I have heard this year it was still mostly "closed file" but they allowed the interviewers to read the personal statements.
This was the third year in a row that I interviewed at UF and this was the first year I was ever asked any questions about my PS. I know my interviewers had my PS in front of them because I could see what appeared to be a piece of paper that was typewritten and had paragraphs and not to mention one of my interviews would look down at that piece of paper and say, "You stated here in your personal statement ..." I would say a good portion of my interview was centered around my PS.

Last year when I interviewed, my interviewers brought up the fact that I had interviewed the previous year. I did not say anything prior that would let them know I had interviewed before. When I had my file review with Dr. Vickroy, I asked him about that and he admitted that he went through and marked the ones that had interviewed previously so they wouldn't be asked the same questions. This year, Dr. Vickroy told us (at least in my group) that the interviewers would know if we had interviewed before.

So I do not believe UF's interviews are truly "cold" as your interviewers do know something (whether it is your PS or the fact you have interviewed previously at UF) about you prior to you walking in the room - not my definition of cold.
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hey I was wondering how long the actual interviews for UF are? thanks!
hey I was wondering how long the actual interviews for UF are? thanks!

The interview itself is about 50 minutes (give or take). But there's also a little meeting with the dean afterward, and a tour, if you choose to participate.