Florida schools: Nova and UF , similarities/differences anyone?

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Jul 13, 2005
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I live in South Florida and would really appreciate if you would comment on UF's Pharmacy School and Nova's Pharmacy School. :confused:

> Does UF have larger class sizes?
> How are the Professors different?
> How is the academic environment?
> How hard are the classes?
> Which provides a better job outlook for graudates?
> How are the admissions to each school different/similar?
> And any other comments you wish.

Thanks :)

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I am originally from South Florida too, even though I currently live in another state. Which school do you go to? PBCC? FAU? FIU? UM? I have talked to some people who go to both schools. They are both very good schools. If you are interested in research, then go to UF. But NOVA has a great program along with a 100% pass rate on the NAPLEX. So obviously, NOVA is training their graduates well to pass the NAPLEX. I have visited the West Palm Beach campus of NOVA. It is tiny and everyone seems very relaxed.

I think NOVA might be a little easier to get into then UF, but maybe I am wrong. I think I am just going by GPA and average PCAT score. There are defintely other factors.

The admissions is done differently at the two schools.


all grades are computed using the Pharmcas system and a separate Pharmcas Math Science GPA is computed. The average OVERALL GPA of admitted students is around 3.5 and the average PCAT is in the 80s somewhere, I think. And NOVA conducts interviews for everyone who gets a callback.


the only grades that count are their science prereq's posted on their website. ANatomy I, II, PHysics I, II, Chemistry I, II, Organic Chemistry I, II, Biology I, II, Calculus I. A grade point average is computed ONLY USING THESE GRADES. They told me that they do not care if these courses are taken at a CC or at a university. (Palm Beach Community versus FAU). Also, the average PCAT of those admitted is officially 88. and the average PREPROFESSIONAL GPA (just with the courses is 3.6). UF only gives 12 people interviews, so interviews are very rare.

I think UF goes more by the numbers, while NOVA may be willing to look more at other factors (pharm experience, recommendation from a pharmacist) etc.
At least it seems that way to me. Again, I may be wrong.

Since I am interested in research, I am leaning toward UF. But NOVA has a new dean, and they are trying to expand their research program. They will have a PHD in two years at NOVA.

In terms of cost, if you live in South Florida and commute to NOVA the two schools will cost the same.

The total cost of UF with living expenses is $18,000 and the tuition and fees alone at NOVA is around the same. So if you are living at home and commuting to either West Palm Beach or Davie campus, the cost will be the same.

Now the distance learning is different at NOVA and UF. At NOVA WPB campus, the lectures are broadcasted live, simultaneously with Davie. HOwever, UF lectures are taped from Gainesville. And then you download them on your computer if you are attending the satellite campuses. (Or some setup like this from what I have heard). SO the lectures at UF satellite campuses are not live.

I think both are high quality programs and you cannot go wrong with either one! Visit both schools and take your pick. Choose UF if you are interested in dual programs such as PharmD/MBA, PHarmD/PHD, PHarmD/MPH, etc.

Good luck!

I graduated from MDCC and am now at FIU. I'm not very interested in research but it still is interesing career. I want to be a community Pharmacist so I am aiming for NOVA.

I will be applying for Fall 2006, how about you?

I am going to try to visit both schools this month and meet some people around there. This could help me learn more.

Thanks for the great info on both schools.

I attend Nova , I will be starting my P2 year this fall. The classes for the first year were not too bad, but you do have to juggle your time wisely. The professors are really there to help you out. I attend the Davie campus, and I am one of the many students that commute. Most people eventually move near campus, but I am an older student (34 lol) with a family so I can't move
You should really visit the campus one day and sign up for a tour so you get to see and talk to students.

Anyway, if you need any info feel free to pm me. Honestly Nova is super nice and so far it has been an awesome experience. (I know I sound like a dork)
but it is true!
