Fred 2014 78% any good

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7+ Year Member
May 16, 2014
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so i am new here,i just did the new version of fred qns (free 150)which came few weeks back yesterday and ended up with 78%,i know fred qns r damn easy and my score isnt great,i just did it as a stimulation to go ahead and do nbme end of this week
Of Nbme 13,15 and 16 which wud be better to take first,how hard are they??
Just needed some advice regarding what i should be doing 1 month to test date!

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I would take 13, 15, and then 16 in that order. The more recent ones are harder IMO and more representative of the real deal. Take them about a week apart as you approach your test to gauge your progess and use the expanded feedback to guide your studying, focusing on your weaknesses.
thanx@whomikejones;Appreciate ur advice,what do u suggest i look into b4 i take the the nbme 13,15, it possible to score high with Fa uw and kaplan ???
any advice on what should be focussed the last 4wks to test??and also how to space the nbmes??i have 13,15,16 left
right now doing Fa+UW+Uw notes and some readings for weak areas.
Also how should i space my day ,btw reading and doing questions??
And also how many hours should i be putting in to hit target!!!!
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4 weeks out, I think you can get 15-20 if you focused hard on FA + your UW notes. do 2 rounds of FA in that months + revise all your notes from UW and finish it+try to do all the nbme form, 3 for assessment and the rest for practice.
How I divide my day:
wake up 7.30 a.m.
8.00 : 11.00 a.m. 1 block of questions
11.30 : 2.30 p.m. Study FA
4:00 : 8: 00 p.m. Study FA
8.30 : 10.00 p.m. half a block of questions
10.00 : 1.00 a.m. : chill out or go to the gym
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hey @milomohamed ,really appreciate ur advice i do somewhat the same..
do questions till noon and the fa till 8 and last hr go thru uw notes!
yah i have 13,15,16 left to assess
and rest i will be practicing offline...hopefully scores will slowly go up!!
how far out are u from ur test date??
Thanx once more for stopping by to write down few words!:)
2 months, but I'm an IMS not an AMS.
The score report in nbme 7 really is helpful. Do an online form now, see your weaknesses, attack them hard and you'll improve, especially in you have defects in test taking strategy or a gap in a subject.
test taking problems that can be solved easily and help pump the score up:
  1. hasty reading of the questions or answers, focusing would help.
  2. being tired in the last 10-16 questions in the block, small mental breaks, i.e. breathing, for like 20 secs could improve that.
  3. poor concentration, distraction with others in the room, simulate the exam and do it in a very quite place.
  4. score dropping as the blocks go by, gotta have a good break strategy for that.
those were the main problems I faced, could be helpful to you.
as for the score report: I was borderline in a couple of subjects and systems:
Biostats, pharm, renal, heme-onc. I'll study them more and study them often. Do as many questions as I can.
other subjects I had a star so I'll still be doing them but less often than my defects.
I'll do NBME 12,13,15 and 16 online and the other offline.