General Admissions & OTCAS Friend Gets Accepted...But you haven't heard back?

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5+ Year Member
Feb 5, 2018
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So want to know if anyone has any insight on this.

I have applied to two schools that a friend has. She has gotten into both and I have not heard back from either. Does this mean bad news for me? Any insight would be great.

(Already got into a school its just not my first choice, and am anxious.)

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So want to know if anyone has any insight on this.

I have applied to two schools that a friend has. She has gotten into both and I have not heard back from either. Does this mean bad news for me? Any insight would be great.

(Already got into a school its just not my first choice, and am anxious.)
Surely you didn’t both submit the exact same application, down to the same stats, same experiences and personal statements?

These programs are competitive. They select who is the right fit for their program, and then go back and start the process over.

Unless you have a denial— you are still being considered. Keep your thoughts positive and trust that you represented yourself well. If you don’t get in.. it wasn’t meant to be right now.