Funding opportunities for Masters degree?

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7+ Year Member
Aug 7, 2016
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I applied and was interviewed for a PhD program at my top school with my top adviser and was offered an unfunded Masters slot. Needless to say, I'm a bit disappointed at this and feel like it's a constellation prize. Still, I'm seriously considering accepting the offer because the work done in that lab fits me to a tee and and I think the adviser seems to be someone I would work well with.

My question is does anyone have any advice about outside funding? I contacted the university's financial aid department and got a canned response to do my FAFSA and check out the university's scholarships (none of which apply to graduate psychology students). The only thing that looked useful were forms for assistantship and to apply to work for the university in exchange for tuition reduction.

I emailed my potential/would be adviser and she suggested the National Science Foundation fellowship and I'm currently looking at additional options.

Can anyone give me any advice about funding or potential things I can look into? I feel really stuck and am honestly at a slight loss at what to do. I expected to either get accepted to the PhD or get no offer at all.

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