General Chemistry only a one semester course. Help?

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7+ Year Member
Mar 26, 2015
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A lot of med schools are moving towards core competencies, thank god, but a fair number of schools still have hard and fast requirements, including two semesters of general chemistry. At my college, gen chem is a one semester course. What are my options?

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Did you take biochemistry? I believe that could count towards it as along as that's not its own requirement. A one semester chem course seems a bit odd school actually even offered a 3 semester one due to the amount of material
Perhaps speak with your school's pre-health department or contact the graduate schools of interest? At my university, the labs for Bio I and II are pushed into one semester, and since a lot of schools demand two semesters of lab, I've had to call a few schools to make sure.
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My school had the same. I took an upper level chem and that counted (I think biochem did as well). Really, just ask your school's premed are hardly the first graduate of your institution to have applied to med school, they'll know the deal by now.
^Same. It might be worth it to just take an upper level gchem course since schools are all over the board with reqs.