General Chemistry

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7+ Year Member
Feb 18, 2015
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Hello everyone,
Destroyer 2015 General Chemistry question 185 I am thinking that the answer would be C but The correct answer is E. I understand polar molecules are soluble in water but there is no Hydrogen bonding in molecules.

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Hello everyone,
Destroyer 2015 General Chemistry question 185 I am thinking that the answer would be C but The correct answer is E. I understand polar molecules are soluble in water but there is no Hydrogen bonding in molecules.
Type the question I only have the 2016 version
Hello everyone,
Destroyer 2015 General Chemistry question 185 I am thinking that the answer would be C but The correct answer is E. I understand polar molecules are soluble in water but there is no Hydrogen bonding in molecules.
WHOA WHOA are missing the ENTIRE concept is not hydrogen bonding, but OSMOSIS !!!! In osmosis, we see a movement of solute molecules from the DILUTE solvent side to the concentrated. The salt on the left is actually TWICE as much or 100mM because it can break up into 2 ions !!!

Hope this helps.

Dr. Romano
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