georgetown smp 2.9 uGPA

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10+ Year Member
Sep 23, 2010
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Hey all. I've been trying to research what my chances were to get into georgetown's SMP with a 2.9 uGPA with a 3.2 science GPA from ucsd and ultimately came here. Really trying to buckle down this year as it would be possible to get a 3.1 overall. Assuming ill break 30 on the mcat, what would be my chances of getting into georgetown with a 2.9 or 3.1 uGPA. I know there are other SMP choices, so what other similar programs would u all recommend for someone in my situation.


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If you go to the Gtown Yahoo group, you'll see about 8 years' worth of constant repeats of the following conversation. Not kidding, I've seen this at least 100 times:
Student: I'm from California and I have a 3.0, am I competitive for Gtown SMP?
Dr. Myers: What's your MCAT score?
Student: Haven't taken it yet.
Dr. Myers: Without an MCAT score I don't have enough information. Generally the students that we accept with lower GPAs (such as a 3.0) have substantial counter indicators, such as a highly competitive MCAT, a graduate degree, publications, etc. You're welcome to apply of course.
Best of luck to you.