Getting deployed while in Training?

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Anyone have guesses on the odds a physician who did their HPSP ADSO as a flight surgeon would be deployed while serving their two years of SELRES? This switch from 4 years of IRR to 2 years of SELRES and 2 years of IRR has me worried about major interruptions in GME.

I imagine this could be disastrous for your training if you’re out in civilian residency and then you get called back to go deploy for months on end. Any anecdotes would be useful too.TIA

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I’m unsure if the IRR requirement switching to 2 + 2 applies to HPSP, it would just be dependent on what your contract says. I strongly recommend against going back to civilian residency while in the SELRES, you have drilling requirements that may not be compatible with your residency schedule and you’d be at risk for deployment.

If that was a requirement, My recommendation would be to extend 1 year of AD as a flight doc and go back to residency after that. You technically only end up owing 3 years at the end of your 4 year ADSO, because your intern year counts towards your IRR/SELRES time (doesn’t count towards the 4 year active duty requirement, but it does count towards your 8 year service requirement). So if you do 5 years as a flight doc instead of 4, you’d owe 2 years of IRR at the point because you’ve done 6 years of service including intern year (no SELRES required even under a 4+2+2 system).

Flight docs already basically get a free year anyway with flight school. That year counts towards your payback but you aren’t deployable, and you aren’t seeing patients in clinic. Youre just sitting in a classroom learning about weather and then riding in the backseat of military aircraft while the instructors try to show off. That time doesn’t count towards payback for the pilots you’re in class with, but it counts for you.
Most navy flight doc billets are 2 year orders, with a few 1 year hardship billets out there where you can’t take your family. I’m not aware of any 3 year orders.

The way I did it was in order to finish my 3 years after flight school, I extended a year at my location (which was subject to PERS approval), so I stayed somewhere for 3 years but my original orders were for 2.

Going forward, you’d probably end up doing 2 years at one place, and 2 years at another since it’s unlikely for you to get a 2 year extension (although you can always ask, it’s not unheard of to do). Full-filling your obligation by doing 2 two year tours is what most GMO’s end up doing anyway.
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It is kinda easy to see this is distressing you. Posts popping up here and there and disappearing. Its kinda hard to pin down where you're coming from and exactly what stage your are in right now.

No one can tell you what the odds are.
Sure, someone will have an anecdote about a guy being drug out of residency, deployed, his life, career, marriage all ruined.
That's all your really gonna get.
Do you really want to hear that right now? Because it will have 110% NOTHING to do with your odds of such happening in 2024 and going forward

Could it? Sure.

Will it? Very very very doubtful

Can you change it one bit by posting and worrying about it?

Nope, not at all.

Are you in right now? If so, easy answer. Do your AD time, get out, go to residency, do what the Navy Reserves makes you do with as best an attitude as you can, separate for good, and look back on your .mil time as a unique life experience had by few and hopefully it is a good one.

What you're stressing over now is completely out of your control, so quit worrying.

And have a nice weekend.

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Even if you do get deployed, you're protected by USERRA and most academic places have some kind of military leave policy in addition, even for residency. If your program tried any funny business that's the easiest slam dunk lawsuit in the world. This seems like a huge worry about a very small likelihood that has significant legal protections regardless. Worst case scenario you deploy for x period of time and your graduation gets pushed back by x period of time, which does suck but isn't life-ruining.
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I strongly recommend against going back to civilian residency while in the SELRES, you have drilling requirements that may not be compatible with your residency schedule and you’d be at risk for deployment.

I have to disagree with this. Plenty of residents in the Reserve and Guard; it's not without its challenges but definitely doesn't justify staying active duty for another year just to avoid it.
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