getting in without professional degree

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Jun 19, 2007
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i was just wondering if anyone knew about the chances of being accepted to mph programs at harvard and johns hopkins straight out of undergrad...i know their websites say they are only interested in professionals, but i have heard that sometimes they accept people without the credentials.

do people get accepted to UNC's program out of undergrad as well...(their site also says they are looking for people with advanced degrees)...i'm a little confused and would really appreciate any info!

thanks!! =)

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i was just wondering if anyone knew about the chances of being accepted to mph programs at harvard and johns hopkins straight out of undergrad...i know their websites say they are only interested in professionals, but i have heard that sometimes they accept people without the credentials.

do people get accepted to UNC's program out of undergrad as well...(their site also says they are looking for people with advanced degrees)...i'm a little confused and would really appreciate any info!

thanks!! =)

I don't think that Harvard or Hopkins will even consider anyone straight out of undergrad.
thanks for your reply! yeah that's what I had thought too...anyone know about whether you need work experience or advanced degree for UNC?