Getting into UofM AA Masters in Physiology and/or Chemical Cancer Biology

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Mar 29, 2017
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I am graduating from Wayne State University in May with a cGPA of 3.57 and sGPA of 3.5. I am taking the MCAT in February. I was wondering what are the stats from those who applied and were accepted into UofM's M.S in Physiology? How selective of a program is it?

Also, any feedback from those who got into UofM's M.S. Chemical Cancer Biology would be appreciated as well.

Thank you

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Hey Oculo19, I graduated from the M.S. physiology program last summer and have nothing but good things to say about it. I know it's been awhile since you posted this, but your GPA's are definitely competitive for the program (pending results of your MCAT, of course). Let me know if you have any particular questions.