GMO Tours

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Mar 3, 2006
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Realizing the GMO tour may still be a reality when I finish in 2011, exactly how does this work?

My fiance will be trying to match in the same locale when we finish, so we'd be in the same place for our internship (hopefully). But, am I going to have to move after that? Do I have any say in where I go (i.e. would it be possible for me to stay close by)?

Details that might be needed: I'm Navy and female (which rules out a Marine tour if I'm not mistaken), and probably looking at IM or EM.

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2) Yes, you will likely move for your GMO tour unless you are very very lucky.

San Diego, San Diego, San Diego.

If you are willing to forgo a flight or dive tour, there are large numbers of GMO tours there between the ships and the Marines up at Camp Pendleton. You are much more likely to be able to stay there for your GMO than at any other location.
San Diego, San Diego, San Diego.

If you are willing to forgo a flight or dive tour, there are large numbers of GMO tours there between the ships and the Marines up at Camp Pendleton. You are much more likely to be able to stay there for your GMO than at any other location.

Thanks, Gastrapathy. We were looking at SD as it was because we'd probably both be able to get residencies in the area (he's civilian).
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Isn't Pendleton a two hour drive from San Diego?

Nope, two hours north of San Diego will land you in Los Angeles... Camp Pendleton is about 40 miles north of San Diego...

Just drove up from San Diego to Los Angeles today..
San Diego, San Diego, San Diego.

If you are willing to forgo a flight or dive tour, there are large numbers of GMO tours there between the ships and the Marines up at Camp Pendleton. You are much more likely to be able to stay there for your GMO than at any other location.

That doesn't even work. I talked to the detailer last week and he said there were currently no billets in the San Diego area. Maybe something would open up. This whole thing is a crap shoot.
That doesn't even work. I talked to the detailer last week and he said there were currently no billets in the San Diego area. Maybe something would open up. This whole thing is a crap shoot.

I assume you are currently in the San Diego area? If not, then its a question of saving the Navy money. Why PCS someone if you don't have to given the number of folks that want to stay there(which is why it is critical to get there for internship if you want to stay snugglebunny style)?

If so, thats got to be an outright lie or misunderstanding. There have to be jobs at Pendleton. There are actually fewer shipboard GMOs than one might think so maybe that was what your detailer meant. I'd recommend calling back to make sure he understands that you'd go north (but try to stay clear of The Stumps). Just don't settle for the first thing offered and be patient. You'll see plenty of Balboa types staying in SD for their GMO tour.
I assume you are currently in the San Diego area? If not, then its a question of saving the Navy money. Why PCS someone if you don't have to given the number of folks that want to stay there(which is why it is critical to get there for internship if you want to stay snugglebunny style)?

If so, thats got to be an outright lie or misunderstanding. There have to be jobs at Pendleton. There are actually fewer shipboard GMOs than one might think so maybe that was what your detailer meant. I'd recommend calling back to make sure he understands that you'd go north (but try to stay clear of The Stumps). Just don't settle for the first thing offered and be patient. You'll see plenty of Balboa types staying in SD for their GMO tour.

I agree, there should be positions available up at Pendleton. The cushy clinic billets in SD have gone away and there really are very few shipboard billets. The one ray of hope I will give is that the detailer is looking at billets open and projected open now. Some GMOs who are not projected to rotate may have been accepted for GME and their spots will open up at the end of Jan/early Feb. This frequently happens, so keep in close contact with the detailer with the eye of trading up.
I agree, there should be positions available up at Pendleton. The cushy clinic billets in SD have gone away and there really are very few shipboard billets. The one ray of hope I will give is that the detailer is looking at billets open and projected open now. Some GMOs who are not projected to rotate may have been accepted for GME and their spots will open up at the end of Jan/early Feb. This frequently happens, so keep in close contact with the detailer with the eye of trading up.


Rumor has it that GMO billets have finally started to convert over to FP/IM billets. Have you noticed these billets popping up for FP's that are up for orders, or is still too early for that yet?

When it's time to talk to the detailer do you have to rely on his/her word of whats available, or is there somewhere you can go to see for yourself?


Rumor has it that GMO billets have finally started to convert over to FP/IM billets. Have you noticed these billets popping up for FP's that are up for orders, or is still too early for that yet?

When it's time to talk to the detailer do you have to rely on his/her word of whats available, or is there somewhere you can go to see for yourself?


I am not looking for orders at the moment, but the "conversions" this year were not operational. One of the most useful things you can do in your career is network. It is a small Navy, so connecting with people all over can provide inside sources to help find a job you want. I have never found detailers to be openly deceptive, but they do have certain billets they have to fill. I also suggest you meet with your detailer at every opportunity. If they have a name and a face, it makes life easier.
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And I recommend against going to a training command for a GMO tour. You want the chance to be part of a real unit.

Very true. Getting deployments under your belt will have a positive impact in your future and give you more sea stories.(which is a big part of being in the Navy)
I talked to LT Bristol last week. There were slots at Pendleton.

I know there are division GMO billets at Camp Lejeune, any idea if there are any wing GMO billets?
Wing? Not sure what that means . . .

He did tell me that there were a total of 12 billets he had to fill down there.

Wing is the airwing or helicopter units. Do you know were the 12 billets are?
I talked to LT Bristol last week. There were slots at Pendleton.

I was looking at the housing prices in the San Diego and Holy Cow is it expensive. How can a intern/resident/GMO go there with a family and live in a halfway decent neighborhood? Is it easier to get officer base housing in Pendleton?
I talked to LT Bristol last week. There were slots at Pendleton.

That just shows you how crappy this whole thing is: I specifically mentioned wanting Pendleton in my e-mail and he told me that everything was currently filled two weeks ago. Shady, shady, shady.
How odd. He made it a point to tell me that nothing would be finalized until Jan 7th at the earliest when everyone had to have their committments in. If I were you, I'd call him back on the 8th (which is actually what I'm doing).

I think that's what EVERYONE is doing.
Can I get a billet being and expert witness on the TV show JAG? Not the real thing, just the show.
Can I get a billet being and expert witness on the TV show JAG? Not the real thing, just the show.

Sorry, JAG is over. But you could go on the Bachelor. (Provided your wife(?) won't mind.)
Sorry, JAG is over. But you could go on the Bachelor. (Provided your wife(?) won't mind.)

I don't think she'd like it very much. But heck, if it spares me a depolyment she just might go for it
I don't think she'd like it very much. But heck, if it spares me a depolyment she just might go for it

Didn't work for the last one. He is cooling his heels in Kuwait right now.
So, in the interest of being fair: I spoke to the detailer the other day and I am currently "penciled" into the type of billet I had hoped for. I figured as one of those leading the charge against him, I need to be fair and post my follow-up.

Anyone out there I strongly recommend calling the detailer. It was much smoother that way.
So, in the interest of being fair: I spoke to the detailer the other day and I am currently "penciled" into the type of billet I had hoped for. I figured as one of those leading the charge against him, I need to be fair and post my follow-up.

Anyone out there I strongly recommend calling the detailer. It was much smoother that way.

I was "penciled" in for a position but got an email from the detailer last week informing me current GMO decided to stay, and he only had positions left open at 2nd Marine Division.
I was "penciled" in for a position but got an email from the detailer last week informing me current GMO decided to stay, and he only had positions left open at 2nd Marine Division.

Looks like its going to be a tough year. My advice is not to settle. Something might open up later, so try to avoid getting slotted somewhere else as long as you can. Dodge and weave.
Looks like its going to be a tough year. My advice is not to settle. Something might open up later, so try to avoid getting slotted somewhere else as long as you can. Dodge and weave.

Holding out until the last minute for something better is not without risk - odds are you'll still wind up at 2MARDIV, except your orders won't get cut until May, so scheduling a move at a convenient time will get harder (summer is prime military move season), and you'll have less time to find a place to live.

Honestly, I think those coveted "dockside GMO clinic" billets are overrated. I'd rather spend another year with the Marines than endure a week of GMO-clinic duty anywhere on earth. (And if you get an infantry billet, you won't have to do any OB/GYN - that alone is worth 2MARDIV orders.)