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5+ Year Member
Feb 6, 2019
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Hi everyone!
I am currently a sophomore in undergrad and will not be applying to vet school until the fall of 2021, but I am looking for a bit of advice. I am feeling a little bit discouraged about my GPA right now, after last semester (first semester of sophomore year) I had a cumulative 3.71. I am in a few harder classes this semester (organic 2, physics 2, anatomy and physiology). My anatomy and physiology class is kind of a mess (it is pretty disorganized and seems like it will be difficult to get an A in) and I'm worried that I will get B's in all of these classes and end up with a cumulative 3.6 after this semester. I know that I still have a lot of time and a lot of classes to take before I apply and I have a good amount of veterinary experience and animal hours, I am just feeling a bit discouraged in the GPA department.
Any encouragement or advice is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance 🙂

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Hi everyone!
I am currently a sophomore in undergrad and will not be applying to vet school until the fall of 2021, but I am looking for a bit of advice. I am feeling a little bit discouraged about my GPA right now, after last semester (first semester of sophomore year) I had a cumulative 3.71. I am in a few harder classes this semester (organic 2, physics 2, anatomy and physiology). My anatomy and physiology class is kind of a mess (it is pretty disorganized and seems like it will be difficult to get an A in) and I'm worried that I will get B's in all of these classes and end up with a cumulative 3.6 after this semester. I know that I still have a lot of time and a lot of classes to take before I apply and I have a good amount of veterinary experience and animal hours, I am just feeling a bit discouraged in the GPA department.
Any encouragement or advice is greatly appreciated! Thanks in advance 🙂
This is going to sound like I’m minimizing your concerns, but... take a step back and breathe. You’re doing absolutely fine.

A 3.6 cumulative is not a low GPA; it’s right around average for most vet schools. Moreover, Bs are by no means a death sentence, especially in hard science classes such as physics and organic chem, and especially when they’re surrounded by a sea of As. People have made it into vet school with Cs, Ds, and even Fs on their transcripts before. I’d know, because I was one of them.

Continue what you’re already doing: getting experience and aiming for the best grades you can. Seriously, though, don’t beat yourself up if you earn some Bs in a tough semester. A B is still a good grade and, as you have even stated in your own post, you’ve got plenty of time to bring that number back up.
This is going to sound like I’m minimizing your concerns, but... take a step back and breathe. You’re doing absolutely fine.

A 3.6 cumulative is not a low GPA; it’s right around average for most vet schools. Moreover, Bs are by no means a death sentence, especially in hard science classes such as physics and organic chem, and especially when they’re surrounded by a sea of As. People have made it into vet school with Cs, Ds, and even Fs on their transcripts before. I’d know, because I was one of them.

Continue what you’re already doing: getting experience and aiming for the best grades you can. Seriously, though, don’t beat yourself up if you earn some Bs in a tough semester. A B is still a good grade and, as you have even stated in your own post, you’ve got plenty of time to bring that number back up.
Thank you so much for your thoughtful reply. Sometimes I get so caught up in my grades and forget that although they’re important, other factors matter as well, thank you again 🙂
This is going to sound like I’m minimizing your concerns, but... take a step back and breathe. You’re doing absolutely fine.

A 3.6 cumulative is not a low GPA; it’s right around average for most vet schools. Moreover, Bs are by no means a death sentence, especially in hard science classes such as physics and organic chem, and especially when they’re surrounded by a sea of As. People have made it into vet school with Cs, Ds, and even Fs on their transcripts before. I’d know, because I was one of them.

Continue what you’re already doing: getting experience and aiming for the best grades you can. Seriously, though, don’t beat yourself up if you earn some Bs in a tough semester. A B is still a good grade and, as you have even stated in your own post, you’ve got plenty of time to bring that number back up.

Agree with this!