
  1. Charlie Rollin

    Undergrad Summer Jobs

    I'm a first-year pre-vet undergrad and wanted to know what is the best summer job that vet schools would like to see, or would give good skills I could bring into the field?
  2. A

    I got a B in my biology class....and am wanting to transfer for fall next year. Should I take a Chemistry 1 class or Biology 2 class for my next sem.?

    I'm going to a community college for 2 semesters, and then I plan on transferring to a 4-year university. I'm majoring in Biology. I've been out of HS for a few years so I completely forgot/underestimated how much time is needed for school work, but I learned now. I took 3 classes in my 1st...
  3. MintyMoose

    Should I even bother with spring semester if admitted?

    Hi everyone, I have a question regarding undergrad. So I'm kind of in a weird position where last year (which was my senior year) I applied and ended up getting waitlisted and never admitted. I decided to postpone my graduation date because I wanted to take more classes to boost my GPA but I...
  4. 7

    Undergrad Advice ?

  5. 2

    Thank you notes

    Quick Q: How long should thank you notes post interview be (for schools that want them)? A paragraph? a couple? a sentence?
  6. P

    Which UC is better for premed? UCSB or UCR

    Hi! I got into UCSB for Biological Sciences and UC Riverside for Neuroscience. (I also got into USC for Neuroscience but despite all I’ve done I cannot attend for financial reasons. And I was waitlisted at UC Davis, UC San Diego, UCLA, and UC Berkeley.) I’m having a hard time deciding where to...
  7. N

    How did you know that this was the right path for you?

    Hello again all of you wonderful people on this forum, it's me, the psychology undergrad. I've recently been doing some introspective work and toying with the idea of switching my career goals around. Basically, I'm conflicted on whether to pursue a psych PhD or a neuroscience PhD. I am...
  8. D

    2023-2024 Potential Applicant Question!

    Hi! Making this post for a friend and hoping I post in the right location. He was planning to go to an international volunteer program and apply in the summer of 2024. However, now he is thinking of applying this summer. He got accepted to the volunteer program and is now unsure of what option...
  9. N

    What courses are more important in undergrad?

    Hello all, I am currently a junior majoring in psychology with the goal to continue onto a PhD program (hopefully UF as I am already a Florida resident). My fields of interest are either pediatric neuropsychology or pediatric clinical psychology, but these may be subject to change as I'm open to...
  10. D

    Taking Dental Pre-Reqs During the Summer

    Hi, I am planning on taking Calculus 1&2 and Physics 1&2 (without lab) during the summer. I was wondering if these courses would factor into my GPA when I apply to dental school? And would dental schools think I am taking a shortcut by taking classes at a less prestigious school than my current...
  11. L

    How many hours of direct patient care experience is competitive for a top medical school (I've seen different answers depending on circumstances)?

    I'm applying for the pre-med program at the age of 30 and haven't been to a 4-year college before. I've read on some sites that 100-150 hours is competitive, but I've also seen that 1,000+ hours is competitive if there are gaps in education (not sure if they mean gap from HS to starting...
  12. J

    VCU Undergrad Fall Freshman Year Schedule

    Looking for advice on what classes to take for premed in my first semester at VCU. My major is premedical laboratory sciences. Right now, I have: Chem 101 Gen Chem 1 Chez 101 Lab Gen Chem 1 ENGL 250 Reading Film Math 151 (Precalc) or Math 200 (Calc Analytic Geometry) Univ 111 University...
  13. H

    When to Ask for Letters of Rec. (LOR)

    Hi all, I'm wrapping up my freshman year in undergrad in a few weeks. I am wondering when I should start asking my professors for rec. letters? I know I will need to submit them to AMCAS, but how does this process work? I know the letters are supposed to remain unreadable to me, so do I need to...
  14. Okita814

    Med School options as International student in Canadian University Undergrad.

    Hello, I’m a second year undergrad from Japan currently studying Molecular Biology in Canada. I’m an international student and after lots of consideration, it was deemed that getting into Canadian med school is impossible. I can’t get a PR quick enough and I don’t have the time to waste two...
  15. D

    Research opportunities for an undergrad?

    Attending SUNY Buffalo and am not sure where to find research opportunities to round out my pre-dental experiences. When I look at the job board they usually are looking for (grad?) students or full-time employees that have a bachelors degree. I see Buffalo has an "Experiential Learning...
  16. N

    NonTraditional Veteran seeking guidance.

    Hey members of SDN, new here, so I will get straight to the point. I am a 29 year old male soldier in the Army (25N - Network Specialist). I will be starting terminal leave in a couple weeks and will be ready to get back to the civilian world. I have already accepted a job offer as a full-time...
  17. J

    Do medical schools care about where you went for undergrad?

    Does it matter where you went for undergrad? Will medical schools care if you went to a low ranking undergrad but still performed well and did everything you could to get in? Does undergrad matter for the top medical schools?
  18. D

    Clinical Experience vs. Undergrad Minor (please help!!!!)

    Sooo I'm kind of in a dilemma. I'm currently doing a public health minor & I've got a couple of classes left to take for that but I kind of declared it late (junior year) & I'm trying to finish that along with my major classes. It's totally possible but I'm gonna have to take 19 credits for 2...
  19. S

    >4 years to graduate from undergrad?

    I have a question, do residency programs care if I take more than 4 years to graduate from college, or are they more interested in my grades during med school?
  20. A


  21. Krosellobrown

    Seeking advice for undergrad and med school journey

    Hi! So I recently realized I would like to pursue a career in Reproductive Endocrinology. I've actually always had interest in family planning, woman's health and hormonal changes and I myself have been diagnosed with PCOS. I'd like advice on the best route to achieving that goal. I.E. what...
  22. soakedwithwatermel


  23. H

    UVA v. UNC Chapel Hill for Pre Med

    Hello, I’m a high school senior and was fortunate enough to receive full ride scholarships to both UVA and UNC Chapel Hill. I like them equally but hope to go premed with the goal of becoming a surgeon. Which school do you recommend for pre med and why? TIA
  24. T

    School Prestige vs. Peer Advantage vs. Student Support - What Undergrad School Equates to Success?

    Hey everyone, I’m facing a big transfer decision and am looking for some help in working through it in my mind. I am at community college now, have a 4.0 GPA and have applied to transfer to Stanford, CAL, UCLA (via Honors TAP), UC Santa Barbara, UC Davis (via TAG), UC Santa Cruz & Santa Clara...
  25. ManicMonday

    Does Undergrad school choice matter

    Does which university you go to matter for getting into dental school? Or is it irrelevant and grades more important for an applicant? I know schools usually only accept a certain amount of CC credits, so I'm planning to go straight to a university to avoid headache and complications when...
  26. C

    3.0 gpa freshmen year, am I screwed?

    Hi all, I’m a rising sophomore at an Ivy League college and freshmen year I got my ass handed to me on a platter. My high school definitely did not prepare me for the rigor of college nor the imposter syndrome I would feel. I ended my first semester with a 3.02 B- in chem 1, C+ in calc, A - in...
  27. T

    Personal Statement Advice for a Student who struggled in Undergrad?

    Can anyone give some advice on how they got through their personal statement? This is the most stressful part of this application for me at the moment because it's so hard for me to talk about myself without accentuating my flaws academically. My main issue is because during undergrad I...
  28. M

    Advice On Opening A Non-Profit Foundation

    Hi, Come Fall 2020 I will be a sophomore on a pre-med pathway. I've been spending this quarantine to volunteer as much as I can but also to plan something I've been wanting to do for a while. I want to open a non-profit foundation to help cancer patients, specifically children. However, I don't...
  29. T


  30. Harrison11011

    Current Biology major (freshman year) pre-Optometry student in need of advice

  31. andtheam

    What Undergrad School before Dental School?

    I just spent my freshman year at a good state school. However, I now got into UNC Chapel Hill to transfer for the rest of my undergraduate career if I wanted to. If I stayed at my original school, I would definitely get a higher GPA than at UNC. I would still get all my shadowing in during the...
  32. V

    Help a confused student

    Hello all! I just got my college acceptances back for my undergraduate schools! Right now, I'm stuck between two different universities and was wondering if any of you guys could help me with that. I know that the UCs aren't typically good pre-med programs, but I was wondering which of these...
  33. B

    Is Taking Courses in the Summer of 2020 advantageous due to the COVID-19 Pandemic?

    Hello everyone! I am planning to take algebra-based physics 1 (Mechanics) and calculus-based physics 2 (Electricity and Magnetism) concurrently this semester. Due to the occurring pandemic, I'm starting to see more and more institutions declaring Summer 2020 courses to be held online. I...
  34. L

    GPA Questions

    Hi everyone! I am currently a sophomore in undergrad and will not be applying to vet school until the fall of 2021, but I am looking for a bit of advice. I am feeling a little bit discouraged about my GPA right now, after last semester (first semester of sophomore year) I had a cumulative 3.71...
  35. A

    Is it bad to be a Bio major?

    Hello! I'm currently a freshman at a liberal arts college and I plan on going to medical school! Right now I'm majoring in English and completing the pre-med requirements on the side, but I've realized recently that I don't love English as much as I thought I did. One of the many reasons I...
  36. falarm

    Seeking advice on research

    Hello all, I'll preface this by saying that I can't identify any reason why the physician-scientist route isn't a good fit for me. I'd like to seek the advice of the wise among you as I begin to make tougher decisions on the direction I take my research. So far I have loved being a generalist...
  37. BradyJV

    Considering an online, one-year masters in nutrition during my gap year

    Hello, everyone. Long story short - My grades, LOR's, extracurriculars, etc should be decently competitive for medical school and wouldn't use this masters in a way to try to "boost" my application. I decided to pursue medicine after dietary and lifestyle changes that helped me tremendously. I'm...
  38. P

    Best Undergrad schools for Pre-PT/Physiology

    So I’m an upcoming Freshman at the University of Akron. I plan to transfer to the Integrative Physiology program at CU-Boulder for my second year. I was hoping to get some ideas for back up schools. I am either going into PT, OT, or PA depending on the job market at the end of my undergrad. In...
  39. M

    Specialties for a single dad?

    I’m an undergrad right now on the pre med track. I really want to pursue a specialty that would allow me to raise children on my own while still earning enough to support them. I’d really like to have kids through adoption/surrogacy in my early thirties, so soon after I finish residency...
  40. S

    Rutgers Research Assistant Program

    Hey, this is my first post on SDN, so I apologize if I am breaking any sort of rule by posting this here. I have a couple questions about the Rutgers Research Assistant Program, so if anybody has done this before, or knows about it, I would be grateful if you could answer a few questions. 1...