Grading Scale

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Nov 13, 2012
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My university does not give sub letter grades such as A-, B+, etc...
Is this normal practice?

Also i was wondering... Is there an average percentage of A's given in a given class? As in like grades would be curved until 15% of the class has A's...?

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My university does not give sub letter grades such as A-, B+, etc...
Is this normal practice?

Also i was wondering... Is there an average percentage of A's given in a class? As in like grades would be curved until 15% of the class has A's...? Anyone ever heard of this happening?
My university does not give sub letter grades such as A-, B+, etc...
Is this normal practice?

Also i was wondering... Is there an average percentage of A's given in a class? As in like grades would be curved until 15% of the class has A's...? Anyone ever heard of this happening?

Most universities do not give + or -

Also, in Oregon, no universities base giving grades off anything other than a single individual's performance. They don't give only a certain percentage of As. Either you earn an A or you don't. Some professors might grade differently in other areas that I'm not familiar with. Some grade on scales, or never give As unless you're J.R.R. Tolkien or Albert Einstein.
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Yeah, I've heard of this happening, but I don't believe fitting grades on a bell curve happens much at all anymore. Scaling grades so that the average is a C, is more common, at least at my university- eg if the class average on an exam is 60, everyone adds 15 points to their final score, so an 80 becomes a 95.

Either way, it's good to know the grading procedures of your professor so you how to figure out where you stand in the class.
That grading scale can be both good and bad if you have a borderline grade. As for the curves, it's class and school dependent
Michigan state, the biggest university in Michigan, grades 4.0 3.5 3.0 .. So on with no plus or minus grades. I'd say it's not abnormal. Don't worry!
Not worried... However i do have an 89.25% in my intro to Bio/Lab this semester

Sure would hate that 89.25 to look like an 81, but would love a 90.25 to look like a 95+ :smuggrin:
Not worried... However i do have an 89.25% in my intro to Bio/Lab this semester

Sure would hate that 89.25 to look like an 81, but would love a 90.25 to look like a 95+ :smuggrin:

I finished microbiology with an 89

I sure wouldn't mind this type of system. Won't be as stressful if I reach the "-" zone. :p
My university here in Ohio has + and - grades, it's kinda bad, since I always end up just below the A cut, so I get lots of A-'s.

My GPA would probably jump from 3.75 to 3.8~9 if those damn + and - didn't exist.

So be thankful you don't have them!
I finished microbiology with an 89


Everyone hates the system when it's not in their favor and loves it when it is. It's life.

Sent from my iPhone using SDN Mobile app please excuse punctuation and spelling
At the University of Washington you get a grade on a scale of 1.0-4.0.

So you can get a 3.2, or a 2.4, or a 3.6 in a class.

In all of my science classes the top 5% get A's.