General Admissions & OTCAS GRE Scores

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5+ Year Member
Feb 22, 2018
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Hey everyone,

So i took the GRE for the 2nd time today and my score did not improve. I feel discouraged because I studied so much and I got near the same score once again. I don't feel like I should take it for a 3rd time, seems excessive but should I worry? My scores a 287 with a 4 in writing. I feel like I'm fine everywhere else, I just don't want the GRE to be that diminishing factor for me.

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Hey everyone,

So i took the GRE for the 2nd time today and my score did not improve. I feel discouraged because I studied so much and I got near the same score once again. I don't feel like I should take it for a 3rd time, seems excessive but should I worry? My scores a 287 with a 4 in writing. I feel like I'm fine everywhere else, I just don't want the GRE to be that diminishing factor for me.
I feel your pain!! My scores are very similar to yours. I took it two times, and literally got the exact same score. I tried a third time and actually scored lower than the previous two tries. That’s when I decided I was done, lol.

The best thing I can say is that each school weighs the GRE differently as far as how much it affects your application. There’s some schools like Nova, who would be good with your scores. Other schools like Adventist usually take in students with higher GRE scores. However- when I met with their admissions director- he said that if you have a higher GPA, it would balance out more “average” GRE scores.

There’s also a few schools that don’t require GRE at all, but none of them being in Florida. (I assume based off of your username you’re in Florida like me :p) overall I think you’ll be okay!! Don’t stress it too much. If your apps are strong in every other section, just do your best to rock your interviews, and you got this!
Hey everyone,

So i took the GRE for the 2nd time today and my score did not improve. I feel discouraged because I studied so much and I got near the same score once again. I don't feel like I should take it for a 3rd time, seems excessive but should I worry? My scores a 287 with a 4 in writing. I feel like I'm fine everywhere else, I just don't want the GRE to be that diminishing factor for me.

Hi there, I would recommend taking the GRE a third time. Go on ETS's website and randomly pick out prompts from their issue and argument sections. Try to write an essay or two each day while timing yourself. Having an outline for both essays helped me improve my AWA score. Don't give up! :)
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Try going on Kaplan's website! they offer a few different free seminars online that help with the gre. i was able to bump up my score from a 297 to a 302 using the techniques they shared on there
I have the exact same scores as you and I got into my top choice. Thank goodness because I was sweating! I took the GRE twice and got one point above in Q and one point below in V, with the same written score. If you feel like you can study and improve your scores, then do it! It also depends on the school. If they don't need scores, only recommend a certain score, or if they require a certain score. Don't be discouraged!