GRE Verbal Studying

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DCT at Miss State U.
20+ Year Member
Apr 26, 2003
Reaction score
I am scheduled to take the GRE in about two weeks and because of that I have been studying and I took a practice test and ended up with a verbal of 550. What I am wondering is what is the best way to study for the verbal (what has worked for people in the past) that I can do in two weeks. I just want to get it to 600-650, so it isn't a huge increase, but that would do wonders for me! I have read of people memorizing 8,500 words from Barron's list but I just don't have time for that. I have the Kaplan Vocab Flipbook and Kaplan's GRE book and I have been using some. Can anyone give me some advice on how I can best get the score up and what the chances are of being able to do this if I really study for it? Thank you so much in advance, I really appreciate it!

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I studied the kaplan list over and over. I don't know how much it helped, but it certainly didn't hurt. You'll certainly kick yourself if you see a word you recognize but didn't study as much as you should have. I would aslo spend some time looking at reading comps. they tend to be very time consuming if you arean't ready for them.
Psyclops said:
I studied the kaplan list over and over. I don't know how much it helped, but it certainly didn't hurt. You'll certainly kick yourself if you see a word you recognize but didn't study as much as you should have. I would aslo spend some time looking at reading comps. they tend to be very time consuming if you arean't ready for them.

Thanks Psyclops; as always you have good information. Anyone else with advice because I can use all the help I can get?
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What kind of practice test did you take? If it's from ETS it's probably more accurate (at least in my experience), but if it's from a book, then it might be lower than what you will really be getting.

Barrons is the most complete vocab book I think, although the Kaplan list is pretty good too. You could also check Princeton Review? Focus on your vocab a certain amount of time per day and try to learn the common words used. You might also get a recent copy of Word Smart; they have a GRE hit list parade that has the commonly tested words.
joetro said:
What kind of practice test did you take? If it's from ETS it's probably more accurate (at least in my experience), but if it's from a book, then it might be lower than what you will really be getting.

Barrons is the most complete vocab book I think, although the Kaplan list is pretty good too. You could also check Princeton Review? Focus on your vocab a certain amount of time per day and try to learn the common words used. You might also get a recent copy of Word Smart; they have a GRE hit list parade that has the commonly tested words.

Hey Joe, long time no speak. It was off of an ETS test so I think it is pretty accurate. Here is my situation; I haven't really studied for Math yet because I am already around 700 and I know that will go up once I get my formulas and all of that down once again. With the verbal, I definately have some time to cram and I am good at memorizing but I just want to make sure I am doing the right things to get those scores up. I have a Kaplan book with Greek and Latin roots as well as common words. I will for sure memorize the common words and word families and probably work on the roots as well. I also have a GRE vocab flip book of 500 words from Kaplan. I actually think I still can memorize that, if you think it would help. Lastly, I have been using's vocab builder but I am not sure if that is really for the GRE or if it is more for the SAT (if it matters). I am only two weeks out, however, so I am looking for bang for my buck. If I could somehow get to 600-650 I would be set, I just have to get there and I am willing to put the time in. What do you guys think the best strategy is (or all of the above if that is the case)?
So, lets see, 2 weeks with nothing else to do? Or two weeks with like work and stuff? I guess it doesn't really matter. I would work on the 500 most often seen. Also, remeber they will be used in strange ways, like in relation to other words or in atonym structures. SO, it's best to understand what the word really means. Sometimes it isn't always the words most usuall meaning that they are looking for.

Another thing to think about. The GRE uses Item response theory (IRT) as I'm sure you are aware. So here is the big dilema while taking the test, are these problems hard becasue I'm an idiot? OR are these problems hard because I'm doing really well. Or conversely, are these problems easy because I am an absolute machine? Or are these problems easy because I am doing so poorly?

Psyclops said:
So, lets see, 2 weeks with nothing else to do? Or two weeks with like work and stuff? I guess it doesn't really matter. I would work on the 500 most often seen. Also, remeber they will be used in strange ways, like in relation to other words or in atonym structures. SO, it's best to understand what the word really means. Sometimes it isn't always the words most usuall meaning that they are looking for.

Another thing to think about. The GRE uses Item response theory (IRT) as I'm sure you are aware. So here is the big dilema while taking the test, are these problems hard becasue I'm an idiot? OR are these problems hard because I'm doing really well. Or conversely, are these problems easy because I am an absolute machine? Or are these problems easy because I am doing so poorly?


I am actually just studying for the GRE for the most part over the next two weeks so I will be able to get in some hardcore studying. I will get going on studying these words and we will see what happens. Thanks again everyone.
Sounds good, take as many practice tests as possible too. I would go to barnes and noble, or boarders, etc. Where they have tables, and would bring my own blank paper. I would do all the practice tests out of the books they had there, some books are just of practice tests, and write the answeres on my paper, then check the answers in the back, it saved a bunch of loot.
Psyclops said:
Sounds good, take as many practice tests as possible too. I would go to barnes and noble, or boarders, etc. Where they have tables, and would bring my own blank paper. I would do all the practice tests out of the books they had there, some books are just of practice tests, and write the answeres on my paper, then check the answers in the back, it saved a bunch of loot.

I am actually going with my Dad on a silent retreat for 8 days (I am nuts) so I bought a lot of that stuff just so I can work on that for some of the time! I bet they loved you at Barnes and Noble too! Nonetheless, I do like the way you think!
haha, if you buy thier coffee they don't GAF. It's just kids like you that work there.
Psyclops said:
haha, if you buy thier coffee they don't GAF. It's just kids like you that work there.

That is very true. Ahh, I cannot wait until I am done with all of this and I have the score I need (hopefully)! 19 more days!
hey guys, quick question, how accurate are the kaplan exams to the real test? Are they highly correlated? I've been doing low 600s on Verbal and 780-790 on the Quant, so I would be happy with this score if I really did get it on the real exam. Thanks!
Quynh2007 said:
hey guys, quick question, how accurate are the kaplan exams to the real test? Are they highly correlated? I've been doing low 600s on Verbal and 780-790 on the Quant, so I would be happy with this score if I really did get it on the real exam. Thanks!

If it is a paper test, then I wouldn't trust it all that much as I did much better on the paper practice tests than the computer ones. Download the GRE PowerPrep software which will give you two free GRE tests (that are the computer kind) and see how you do. I just think that is the way to get the best idea of where you stand. Good luck!
Quynh2007 said:
hey guys, quick question, how accurate are the kaplan exams to the real test? Are they highly correlated? I've been doing low 600s on Verbal and 780-790 on the Quant, so I would be happy with this score if I really did get it on the real exam. Thanks!

I actually had the same question - the Kaplan tests on the computer are WAY harder than not only what is in the Kaplan book but what are in the ETS book filled with 7 practice exams. I score about 200 points better on the ETS paper exams than on the Kaplan computer exams. The content is just way harder. Should I be concerned? Or is the ETS booklet way more of an appropriate gage?

Anyone take the exams and have a similar experience? Which practices better predicted your scores?
This may be of limited utility, but in terms of practice tests, I can't remember what the general test was like, but for the subject test, the paper test the devils (ets) sent me was way (and I mean way) easier than the actual test. But the funny thing was is that I did noticeably better on the actual test than I did on the practice one. So, in my opinion it's tough to tell.
ktwallis said:
I actually had the same question - the Kaplan tests on the computer are WAY harder than not only what is in the Kaplan book but what are in the ETS book filled with 7 practice exams. I score about 200 points better on the ETS paper exams than on the Kaplan computer exams. The content is just way harder. Should I be concerned? Or is the ETS booklet way more of an appropriate gage?

Anyone take the exams and have a similar experience? Which practices better predicted your scores?

The most accurate predictor for me was the ETS PowerPrep software. It is free, so you may as well download it and see how you do!