From a diagnostic standpoint...I get annoyed when they call "House" a good diagnostician, when he prides himself on never touching or seeing his patients. That would give my physical diagnosis professors heart attacks. And the method of "maybe there's something wrong in this part of the body" and then just ordering a test to see if it's there (as opposed to seeing if it fits the symptomology, the patient's age/gender/etc - Occam's razor, people!) annoys me as well. I guess I didn't like the show because it felt like it was just watching them do a series of unnecessary tests, and not really thinking about the patient's problem very deeply. I'm a med student and a geek! What can I say? Maybe other episodes are better.
I know, it's supposed to be entertainment. But since this thread is talking about the accuracy of other "medical" shows, I took advantage of the chance to vent my irritation.