Guilty over putting down deposits

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May 11, 2004
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I know this might sound like a silly question but I wanted to hear what some of you thought about the issue. Well I was just recently accepted to BU a few weeks ago and they asked for a 2,000 deposit. I sent in the deposit a few weeks later and that was that. BU was definately a school i liked and i can see myself going there but it wasnt my top top choice. I just knew I needed to get into dental school no matter what b/c like alot of you ive been through my share of bumps in the road. At the time, that had been the only interview I had gone to, and pretty much the only school i had heard from. But just recently I've gotten a wave of interviews. Now, I'm feeling guilty about putting down the deposit. I'm not saying I feel like I'm going to get into these schools that im going to interview at but one of them is my top choice. I figured 2,000 is alot and i could definately use the money, but the risk of having to wait out another year wasnt worth it. But the thought still lingers in the back of my mind. Are any of you going through the same thing? What do you guys feel about putting down deposits and loosing the money? I mean i guess im just being just stupid and i need someone to tell me i made the right decision. anyway..thanks

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Cornball: You definately made the right choice to just go ahead and send in the deposit to BU. Getting accepted by another school this late in the process is significantly more difficult, especially if you have yet to interview. The amount of open spots dwindles each day. So, in my humble opinion, you definately made the right choice, because getting into other schools this late in the game is far from guaranteed. Also, Boston is a great city... if you do end up going to BU, you'll have a great time.
At least you can cheer for those dumb patriots and red sox. (I'm a colts and cardinals fan, I guess I'm just bitter against boston). Anyways, $2000 is a lot for a deposit. I only had to put down $300 for mine at Md. BUT- that's hardly anything compared to the total amount you'll be spending and even less compared to what you'll eventually be earning so just consider it the price of knowing no matter what, you will be in dental school next year. If it's waisted, oh well.
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You made the correct decision. I'm sure you wouldn't think twice about spending $2000 (or an extra 2k) to further your personal career/educational goals--and that's just what you've done.

It's a drop in the hat over what you'll spend, so don't worry too much. Remember, there are some applicants who apply 2 or 3 times before getting in. Consider yourself lucky.
I had a post similar to yours- except I haven't send in my deposit yet. two thousand bucks is a lot...but it is a garantee that you will have a seat for next year regardless. In 4 years, you will making that two thousand back in no time. :) You've made the right decision.
Cornball714 said:
I know this might sound like a silly question but I wanted to hear what some of you thought about the issue. Well I was just recently accepted to BU a few weeks ago and they asked for a 2,000 deposit. I sent in the deposit a few weeks later and that was that. BU was definately a school i liked and i can see myself going there but it wasnt my top top choice. I just knew I needed to get into dental school no matter what b/c like alot of you ive been through my share of bumps in the road. At the time, that had been the only interview I had gone to, and pretty much the only school i had heard from. But just recently I've gotten a wave of interviews. Now, I'm feeling guilty about putting down the deposit. I'm not saying I feel like I'm going to get into these schools that im going to interview at but one of them is my top choice. I figured 2,000 is alot and i could definately use the money, but the risk of having to wait out another year wasnt worth it. But the thought still lingers in the back of my mind. Are any of you going through the same thing? What do you guys feel about putting down deposits and loosing the money? I mean i guess im just being just stupid and i need someone to tell me i made the right decision. anyway..thanks

Hmm, they want $3000 from me. I wonder why? Anyway you made the right choice.
i'm in the exact same situation and have made the same decision - don't feel guilty about it - its the right thing to do...ask yourself if your ultimate goal is being at a certain school (i.e your first choice) next fall or being in a good dental program next fall...your decision will make more sense if you identify what you truly want...

btw, the BU deposit (as it was told to me) is $2000.00 due by January 21 and then another $1000.00 due by February 22...
I wonder why you feel "guilty?" Guilty is a word that implies a poor moral choice. I could see stressed or frustrated or regretful for potentially losing the money. Anyway, I say better safe than sorry! You'd feel even more "guilty" if you hadn't put down the deposit and got declined every where else.
As everyone else said, you have made a right choice. Now that you have a spot secured in a school you like, you can just interview at the school of your top choice and see what happens with that. It for sure saves you drama and expenses of attending interviews at the other schools that you might not go to.