Have 3 finals on Dec 15, whats the gameplan?

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Columbia CDM
Mar 5, 2023
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have three finals on Dec 15. Should I go no phone? Or just leave it on and not look at it during the final times.

Already set up my voicemail.

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have three finals on Dec 15. Should I go no phone? Or just leave it on and not look at it during the final times.

Already set up my voicemail.
use the studying to distract you from the waiting game
notifications and sound off
check in between finals

and remember, your grades will be checked before matriculation...
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have three finals on Dec 15. Should I go no phone? Or just leave it on and not look at it during the final times.

Already set up my voicemail.
Turn it off, especially during your finals. You shouldn't be looking at your phone during your exams.