Haven't been here in a while, update me!

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10+ Year Member
Mar 1, 2010
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Hi DO students!

I decided to drop by this forum for a bit and relive my old days of helping everyone be more happy and less paranoid about the world around them! Could someone update me on what the current hubub and paranoia is among the students? I posted something similar in the pre-DO forum, but the flavor of concerns is different here between the applicants and the people actually in it. Plus Im sure everyone is freaking out over residency related stuff and I'd love to help calm the nerves!

In exchange, I'll hang out with everyone and answer whatever questions you have!

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What specialty did you match? Are DOs currently having a more difficult time matching?

Most of my doom and gloom surrounds the merger.
Updates since I last saw you on here:

-"Whoot whoot" posts indicating 10+ potential new DO schools opening in the next 2-3 yrs
-So far 88% of the programs that needed to apply for ACGME accreditation by the first AOA deadline have done so
-Gevitz releases a "report" every 6 mos claiming doom and gloom and that the merger will shut down 30% (previously 33-40%) of OGME, pre-meds freak out and make 2-3 threads about each report
-Overall tone on here lately is that it's impossible for DOs to match competitively, without any real change in match lists and that all DO students only do preceptorships and are horribly underprepared for subIs and internship
-Everyone is still cutting up on the AOA and COCA (some times within reason), so basically nothing new there

-AACOMAS announced that starting in 2018, they will discontinue grade replacement

I'm sure there's more, but these are highlights that I can think of right now.
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Updates since I last saw you on here:

-"Whoot whoot" posts indicating 10+ potential new DO schools opening in the next 2-3 yrs
-So far 88% of the programs that needed to apply for ACGME accreditation by the first AOA deadline have done so
-Gevitz releases a "report" every 6 mos claiming doom and gloom and that the merger will shut down 30% (previously 33-40%) of OGME, pre-meds freak out and make 2-3 threads about each report
-Overall tone on here lately is that it's impossible for DOs to match competitively, without any real change in match lists and that all DO students only do preceptorships and are horribly underprepared for subIs and internship
-Everyone is still cutting up on the AOA and COCA (some times within reason), so basically nothing new there

It's amazing how to tone here has changed over the years regarding DO education. When I joined SDN it was much more positive. Then again, I hung out mostly in the premed forum back then and don't hang out much there anymore.
-AACOMAS announced that starting in 2018, they will discontinue grade replacement

I'm sure there's more, but these are highlights that I can think of right now.

Wow, when did they make that announcement? I guess that's what I miss by not hanging out in the premier forum. Would have made it much harder for me to get in to med school. Do we think this will increase or decrease the stats of DO students?

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WHOA!! WTF? NO WAY? lolll They are getting rid of grade replacement???

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Updates since I last saw you on here:

-Gevitz releases a "report" every 6 mos claiming doom and gloom and that the merger will shut down 30% (previously 33-40%) of OGME, pre-meds freak out and make 2-3 threads about each report

Is this something we should be legit worried about? Do you think that DO schools will probably have similar placement rates going into the next ~6 years?
Is this something we should be legit worried about? Do you think that DO schools will probably have similar placement rates going into the next ~6 years?
Who knows, it's 6 years down the road. It depends on how many osteopathic residencies close and how many new osteopathic schools open. Right now it could go either way. Best case scenario, things are roughly the way they are now. Worst case scenario, DO match rates plummet into the upper 70's.
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Do the best you can and approach everyday of studying like it's your life on the line, and you should do fine.
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Do the best you can and approach everyday of studying like it's your life on the line, and you should do fine.

Yup. If you are in a DO school, you are IN a DO school. Nothing is going to change that. The only thing you personally can do is work as hard as possible and make yourself as competitive as possible.

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It's amazing how to tone here has changed over the years regarding DO education. When I joined SDN it was much more positive. Then again, I hung out mostly in the premed forum back then and don't hang out much there anymore...

The tone feels changed to me too, and I used to stalk these forums. To be fair it ebbs and flows. I mean the shortcomings of DO schools were always talked about, but the way it's talked about now, you'd think no DO was as well trained as all MDs.

...Wow, when did they make that announcement? I guess that's what I miss by not hanging out in the premier forum. Would have made it much harder for me to get in to med school. Do we think this will increase or decrease the stats of DO students?

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WHOA!! WTF? NO WAY? lolll They are getting rid of grade replacement???


Yeah... https://forums.studentdoctor.net/th...ouncement-questions-regarding-change.1236245/

I think it's messed up how abrupt it is. They should have at least said they'd implement in the 2018-2019 cycle. Otherwise it's fine. People will all be in the same boat. Obviously we'll see a small drop in average scores, but I'm not sure what else.

Is this something we should be legit worried about? Do you think that DO schools will probably have similar placement rates going into the next ~6 years?

Who knows? I don't believe the merger will be the cause of a huge drop in GME placement. That said, there's a lot of other things going on that could do it (e.g. school expansion). So again, who knows what the future holds.
hahaha wow. I see the fatalistic pessimism has reached new lows. This cracks me up. Living in a world where I am constantly schooling and educating MDs who went to top schools (and some others return the favor back at me once in a while) the idea of inferiority is hysterical to me. The only place you see a wall of MDs (and not a hostile wall, just a long unbroken tradition) is at the research table in some fields. And I'm no researcher, especially not of non-clinical stuff.... so I could care less.
btw.... i heard a rumor that if I just hit three-to-five random keys on my keyboard I will accidentally type out the acronym for an osteopathic school about 15% of the time.

whats the over-under on that percentage?
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btw.... i heard a rumor that if I just hit three-to-five random keys on my keyboard I will accidentally type out the acronym for an osteopathic school about 15% of the time.

whats the over-under on that percentage?
As long as one of those letters is an O I'd take the over on that percentage.
lets try!


Is there a Jefferson Davis College (of osteopathic) Medicine? And yes I accidentally got C and M at the end (though i may have been fully aware that i was aiming generally "towards" the M, the C was purely accidental)
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John Deere College of Osteopathic Medicine, opening in Limon, KS 2018 serving the needs of rural populations in Kansas. Emphasizes using OMM on tractors and farm animals. Tuition $75,000 IS $81,000 OOS. Class size will be 270 students with potential to expand in subsequent years.
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John Deere College of Osteopathic Medicine, opening in Limon, KS 2018 serving the needs of rural populations in Kansas. Emphasizes using OMM on tractors and farm animals. Tuition $75,000 IS $81,000 OOS. Class size will be 270 students with potential to expand in subsequent years.

Whoot whoot

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lets try!


Is there a Jefferson Davis College (of osteopathic) Medicine? And yes I accidentally got C and M at the end (though i may have been fully aware that i was aiming generally "towards" the M, the C was purely accidental)
Jefferson Davis COM is actually a LUCOM branch. Bob Jones College of Osteopahic Bible Medicine in 2018. WHOOT WHOOT!
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hahaha wow. I see the fatalistic pessimism has reached new lows. This cracks me up. Living in a world where I am constantly schooling and educating MDs who went to top schools (and some others return the favor back at me once in a while) the idea of inferiority is hysterical to me. The only place you see a wall of MDs (and not a hostile wall, just a long unbroken tradition) is at the research table in some fields. And I'm no researcher, especially not of non-clinical stuff.... so I could care less.
Yeah but weren't you an absolute stand out student? Who matched uro?
Yeah but weren't you an absolute stand out student? Who matched uro?

Went EM in the end. Being a surgeon was a bit of a burden on me. Even a penis surgeon.

I was an above average student. Just did lots of other interesting things anyone else could do if they have an interest and decide to take it to "the next level".
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Did you hear how your school is in probation now after forcibly kicking students out due to over enrollment ?
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Self hating DOs are destroying excellent profession's image and reputation
Self hating DOs are destroying excellent profession's image and reputation

The "image" of DOs disappears upon obtaining a residency, then you're just a doctor.
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Went EM in the end. Being a surgeon was a bit of a burden on me. Even a penis surgeon.

I was an above average student. Just did lots of other interesting things anyone else could do if they have an interest and decide to take it to "the next level".

Above average as in what kind of class rank and board score are we talking about?
top 10% of my class. 235ish usml1. 235ish usmle2. Comlex was around 600x2.

When did u start doing research in medical school? I'm doing well in my classes and find out that I have a reasonable amount of time to spare for extracurricular stuff.
When did u start doing research in medical school? I'm doing well in my classes and find out that I have a reasonable amount of time to spare for extracurricular stuff.
Any research? I did organizational and QI research august-ish of my 3rd year because it came up in a conversation with an equally motivated friend that people don't apply evidence based medicine to solving hospital organizational problems and instead use act-first and assess-later "best guesses" and then wonder why their best guesses always suck. When we both had the same complaint we got bored and created a model to assess what changes should be done in an evidence-based fashion and applied it to a few NYC hospitals and medical schools. That took damn near 6 months to fully finish.

Clinical research? July (aka month one) of fourth year. I just stumbled onto an analysis that didn't require IRB approval on like my swcond shift of an elective, and by the end of the month I had done enough work to finish the research through email correspondence with the residents. After that I just realized that plenty of research exists if you just say "why is that" a lot and you'll find "no one knows" will be the answer every few weeks. It's just a matter of being motivated enough to design retrospective pilot studies or do the legwork to make sure your "case report" really is truly unique and has some pathophysiology basis for why it happened
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