Health counseling - does this count as clinical experience?

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7+ Year Member
Jun 5, 2016
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I have an opportunity to volunteer through my undergraduate university's health center. When students contact the health center to set up an appointment for contraceptives, they would meet with me first prior to seeing a provider. I would provide them with information about different contraceptive options, their efficacy, and risks. Then I would refer them to either a provider through the health center or a community clinic.

Could I count these as hours spent doing clinical volunteering?

Regardless, I will still volunteer because I feel passionate about women's reproductive health, but I'm just not sure how to classify it. Thanks!

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I have an opportunity to volunteer through my undergraduate university's health center. When students contact the health center to set up an appointment for contraceptives, they would meet with me first prior to seeing a provider. I would provide them with information about different contraceptive options, their efficacy, and risks. Then I would refer them to either a provider through the health center or a community clinic.

Could I count these as hours spent doing clinical volunteering?

Regardless, I will still volunteer because I feel passionate about women's reproductive health, but I'm just not sure how to classify it. Thanks!
Yes, you can count these hours as clinical volunteering.