Help, CHLA interview!

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Feb 10, 2005
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I have an interview coming up at CHLA. I never got a confirmation letter but called last week and the secretary told me it starts at 9:45. I have never had an interview start this late, so just wanted to make sure that it is at 9:45. Thanks!

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calichi said:
I have an interview coming up at CHLA. I never got a confirmation letter but called last week and the secretary told me it starts at 9:45. I have never had an interview start this late, so just wanted to make sure that it is at 9:45. Thanks!

I interviewed on a Friday at CHLA and my day also began at 9:45am. Enjoy those few extra hours of sleep!
paisley1 said:
I interviewed on a Friday at CHLA and my day also began at 9:45am. Enjoy those few extra hours of sleep!
I interviewed on a Friday at CHLA and my day also began at 9:45am. Enjoy those few extra hours of sleep!

Thanks, I will!