I have been wondering if it would make sense to have a new section of SDN called "Practitioner Scholar,"
to differentiate it from clinical science and scientist-practitioner programs.
There is a strong consensus on SDN that applicants should avoid programs with high tuition, low match
rates, poor EPPP scores, etc. And I would put myself squarely in that camp.
On the other hand, the last time I checked, something like half of grad students are attending programs
that might be classified as bad actors in the psychology scene. Love it or hate, these programs are not
going away.
Is SDN doing applicants and grad students a service by treating these programs as persona non grata?
What are people who end up at the programs supposed to do for advice? Do they have an online community
where they can discuss issues such as how to be competitive for practica, how to match, how to survive on
student loans, etc?
If SDN Psychology had a new carve out, adding "Practitioner Scholar" aside "(PhD/Psyd)," I think this might
help current students in professional schools, and it also might persuade lurkers to avoid these schools.
Just a thought.