Help me please: DMU or SGU

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Mar 7, 2005
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I have been accepted to Des Moines University and St. George's University. I was really impressed by Des Moines University and will most likely attend Des Moines University. But I was wondering if one would choose SGU over DMU? if yes, please give me your reasons.

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esth0001 said:
I have been accepted to Des Moines University and St. George's University. I was really impressed by Des Moines University and will most likely attend Des Moines University. But I was wondering if one would choose SGU over DMU? if yes, please give me your reasons.
This is not the answer that you are looking for, but I would select DMU for the following reasons:

1-in the states
3-living conditions (having lived in the Caribbean for a good while, I can attest to not knowing if there will be weather issues or even simple things like having electricity in your apartment)

Just my $.02... Either way, you'll be a great doc. Good luck!
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If you like the DO philosophy then go for it but if you want and MD - then I guess the choice is simple then.

There are the other little factors which really may matter to you than to most such as living conditions, cost, weather, etc. I am from the caribbean and trust me for some a vacation is all they can tolerate but not 2 years.

If I were you, I would do what you will feel comfortable with for the rest of your life. If you want an MD license plate then SGU is the way to go bro :)
esth0001 said:
I have been accepted to Des Moines University and St. George's University. I was really impressed by Des Moines University and will most likely attend Des Moines University. But I was wondering if one would choose SGU over DMU? if yes, please give me your reasons.
Go for the DO.
Go to DMU. It's a great school with a fantastic reputation and nice facilities. It's a no brainer.
Definately DMU. Is this really even a question?
No one in their right mind goes carribean if they don't have to. If you've heard its hard for DO's to do exactly what they want, try it as a FMG!
Daddydoc said:
Definately DMU. Is this really even a question?
No one in their right mind goes carribean if they don't have to. If you've heard its hard for DO's to do exactly what they want, try it as a FMG!
