help ... should i go to OD or MD

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Hello Kitty Fan
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Aug 8, 2002
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Hey all,

I was diagnosed with dry eye syndrome recently by an ophthalmologist and I've noticed that I can't wear contact lenses anymore. The M.D. told me to go back to him if I had any problems so i can get fitted with new ones, but since I have had an optometrist I've been going to I was wondering if I could just go to her to get fitted with super-hydrating lenses. (sorry to sound ignorant) But do OD's have experience with contact lenses and dry eyes and can treat them effectively?

Thanks for the help!

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dara678 said:
Hey all,

I was diagnosed with dry eye syndrome recently by an ophthalmologist and I've noticed that I can't wear contact lenses anymore. The M.D. told me to go back to him if I had any problems so i can get fitted with new ones, but since I have had an optometrist I've been going to I was wondering if I could just go to her to get fitted with super-hydrating lenses. (sorry to sound ignorant) But do OD's have experience with contact lenses and dry eyes and can treat them effectively?

Thanks for the help!

Dear dara678,

Either eye care professional! If your situation requires further evaluation of different contact lenses, an optometrist (OD) may be more adept and knowledgeable about contact lens choices. And if your situation warrants supplementary care such as punctal plugs, complementary lubricants or anti-inflammatory therapy (Restasis), the OD can easily accommodate your situation.

If your situation is created by prior malformation or misalignment of the lid position or some anomalie or pathology of the tear mechanism which may require surgical solution, then the eye MD/ophthalmologist is the likely choice.

In some specific circumstances, systemic medical conditions may affect "dryness" and this may require medical laboratory testing and physical examination which few optometrists may be interested or capable of and all eye MDs/ophthalmologists are able to do.

In my opinion of course,
Richard Hom, OD,FAAO
San Mateo, CA