Help! Should I push back my test date?

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10+ Year Member
Oct 1, 2009
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Hey guys- sorry to bother with such a personal thread, but I need some help. I'm studying for Step 2 and have been doing only so-so. My test is scheduled within the next week and I'd like to know whether I should push it back or not. Any thoughts would be appreciated.

About me:
Top 25 med school
Step 1- 230
Applying this year in- IM
Clerkship grades- No honors. High pass in Medicine, mix of high pass and pass in rest of the clerkships. Bottom half of class.
UWorld- Averaging 60% overall, with basically that on my last six tests. I've stagnated. Should complete the qbank within a couple of days.

My step 1 is fine, or so I've been told. It's not going to wow anybody, but it keeps me in the game and with good letters/PS/interviews, I should match decently. However, I'd like to do well on Step 2 and give myself a boost at my reach programs.

At this point, I'm not performing at that level. My two options, as I see them, are to:
1) take it now and likely perform below average, certainly not doing myself any favors (I wouldn't release an unhelpful score).
2) wait an additional month and hope I improve. If I do, it would be a help for my applications, though late in the game-- I'd take the test at the end of this month, get my score in late November and maybe hope to get some January invites that I wouldn't have gotten otherwise. If I don't improve and stay at my current average, then I'm really in the same place I am now. If I get worse because I forget what I've learned over my past month of studying, then... ruh roh.

The benefit of pushing back the test, of course, hinges on whether I'll be able to improve. I am currently working in the hospital, limited to studying at nights and will have some assignments for class to do in the next month. I'm also getting tired of studying. But I should have some time each night to study and I am committed.

The other thing to know is- I never did UWorld during clerkships. As in, viewed maybe 200 questions in all of third year. I know that's sacrilege to say here on SDN, but I just could never make myself do it. So as I "review" for Step 2, I'm actually going over the material for the first time and learning quite a lot. My scores have stagnated, but I think that's more psychological than reaching my capacity. I like to think that if I complete UWorld once and can go over it again, I'll really hammer home the information. Plus, I'd have time for additional resources like Step 2 Secrets or Kaplan that might add new perspectives.

Is this a good idea? Would pushing back the date and hoping for an improved score that would arrive in late November even be worth it in terms of getting additional interviews? Or, should I just get it over with now and do however I do?

Sorry for the tome, but I appreciate your help in advance.

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I'd do the UWSA.

If unhappy with the feedback, change your date.

Take that with a grain of salt, though. Step 2 means a lot more to Caribbean students.
Only push it back if you can actually commit to study during that time difference. And I wouldn't view the number of extra days/weeks you spend studying as important, as much as it is getting through the required resources. My test was scheduled for Dec. 19th, but I just pushed it back to Dec. 29th (I'm Jewish so I don't care about Xmas) because I feel I'll actually be able to stay committed and finish more questions/review during that time, with the incentive of enjoying New Years more afterward.
Is this a good idea? Would pushing back the date and hoping for an improved score that would arrive in late November even be worth it in terms of getting additional interviews? Or, should I just get it over with now and do however I do?

Sorry for the tome, but I appreciate your help in advance.
You haven't yet taken an assessment, so do that (NBME 4/UWSA) and see whether you are in fact at a below average score or you're just passing. You're not going to augment your interview count all that much in later November unless you really blow this result out of the water, but you should definitely aim to pass comfortably.