HELP - St. Lukes and Robert Wood Johnson

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Feb 20, 2007
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Hello all...has anyone heard about St. Luke's Roosevelt's anesthesia program in NY? Or what about Robert Wood Johnson's program in New Brunswick, NJ? The rank deadline is tomorrow and I am confused...please let me know what you thought/know about/have heard about these two programs....

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i think robert wood probably has better overall training and happiness. however, for regional st luke's is excellent, and also u need to decide if you want to be in the city or right outside of the city, in terms of social life and cost of living.
I agree.... I interviewed at both programs. St. Luke's only plus is that it's in the city. However, the residents all said they work really hard (probably the most in NYC).

Both are similar in terms of reputation and clinical experience (plus, Dr. Thys is retiring). At the end of the day, New Brunswick is an okay town and a 50 min? train ride to NYC (might as well have free time and spend it in NYC, then living in NYC and having no free time to enjoy it).

I am actually ranking Robert Wood Johnson well above St. Luke's

Is there a reason you don't want to be at Robert Wood? Are you a student there or did a rotation? I could use some more information... if you have any insights or could offer your own plus/minuses on the 2 programs.
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Yeah, I agree...the way I felt was that at St. Luke's, the residents work really really hard...they said they usually have 12-13 hr days. The one plus that I saw, which may not matter to you, is their computer recording system. Also, it seemed to me that they take pride in the fact that they are AFFILIATED with Columbia...but the point is that they are not Columbia.

I really liked RWJ...I think its a great program, with great didactics and clinical experience. When I interviewed there, the chief resident went over the call schedule with all of us...and I think the call schedule is benign. The only thing they dont do is liver transplants...and I'm not sure if that's a negative point. The program director seems pretty cool too. I want to settle in you think it would be harder to get a job in NY if you did your residency in NJ or elsewhere rather than in the city?

I think I'll be ranking RWJ significantly higher as well...but I just wanted to make sure I had the same ideas as others regarding the two programs.

How about Georgetown in DC? Did any of you interview there? What did you think?
Yeah, I agree...the way I felt was that at St. Luke's, the residents work really really hard...they said they usually have 12-13 hr days. The one plus that I saw, which may not matter to you, is their computer recording system. Also, it seemed to me that they take pride in the fact that they are AFFILIATED with Columbia...but the point is that they are not Columbia.

I really liked RWJ...I think its a great program, with great didactics and clinical experience. When I interviewed there, the chief resident went over the call schedule with all of us...and I think the call schedule is benign. The only thing they dont do is liver transplants...and I'm not sure if that's a negative point. The program director seems pretty cool too. I want to settle in you think it would be harder to get a job in NY if you did your residency in NJ or elsewhere rather than in the city?

I think I'll be ranking RWJ significantly higher as well...but I just wanted to make sure I had the same ideas as others regarding the two programs.

How about Georgetown in DC? Did any of you interview there? What did you think?
You really shouldn't be relying on others to help you make your rank list. At the end of the day its gonna be you putting in the time and hours in that program. We don't know what's important to you and what isn't. We also can't tell you whether you will fit better in one program or another. In terms or reputation. I get the feeling that unless you go to a big name top 20 program, the reputation doesn't make much difference. Will any future job employers look at you differently if you graduate RWJ instead of St. Lukes? Prolly not. You went to these interviews and no one knows the program you'd be happy at better than you. Go w/your gut, certify the list and don't worry about it