High School Stereotypes For Different Specialties

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Anesthesiologist: Last semester senior who has already gotten into a top university and sits back and reads "Forbes" magazine during class

I confess. During Math I would place Forbes/Money in between my textbook pages and read in total and absolute bliss about stocks and the such.

Which is why Anes. is the perfect thing for me. :laugh: I'd fit right in. 😍
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After shadowing (and watching the 2nd-4th season of scrubs again) it seemed like there were some unwritten stereotypes between different specialties. I was wondering if you guys had any?

Orthopedic Surgeon: Jocks
CT Surgeon: Jock that's on honor role
Anesthesiologist: Last semester senior who has already gotten into a top university and sits back and reads "Forbes" magazine during class
Gastroenterologist: Goth
Cardiologist: Chess club
Female OBGYN: Cheerleaders
Male OBGYN: Male Cheerleaders
General Surgeon: Bully that has a soft spot
Podiatrist: The kid no one knows goes to school
Family Medicine: Laid back guy who slept in on the day of the SAT (or Step 1)
Plastics: Ladies man
Ophthalmologist: The 4.0 that everyone thinks is going to community college
Neurologist: Tennis star
Emergency Medicine: The guy who does doughnuts and drives 40 mph in the parking lot on his mustang
Derm: Doesn't do any work but sets the curve on every test
Psychiatry: Magic club that meets behind the gym

what's your list?

I'm a guy, I cheered in high school and for two colleges, and I have no interest in OB/GYN. But I was also a jock, and also on honor roll. Hmm.
I used to know a goth who is now a forensic pathologist.
Psychiatry: The guy who has parents who wants him to be a doctor, but he hasn't got a clue what he wants to do.


Psychiatry: The guy that hangs around with the ADHD kids
I definitely would fit the personality of an orthopedic surgeon just because my amount of confidence sometimes is perceived as cockiness haha. But I'm happy with that seeing as I want to be a trauma surgeon.
Sorry, but this doesn't make much sense. Orthopedic Surgeons are jocks? lol..
Oh yes, ortho is full of jocks.

Obligatory image posting...

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Obviously that cartoon is outdated not reflecting orthopedics in today's world. I mean who listens to Green Day anymore?
Psychiatry: The guy who has parents who wants him to be a doctor, but he hasn't got a clue what he wants to do.


Psychiatry: The guy that hangs around with the ADHD kids

You brought up a thread that's over a year old.

Someone explain the radiation oncology one to me. I've never understood it yet it's actually the one I'm most interested in.
That's the point of the cartoon, no one knows what Rad Onc is.