Histology or Medical Embryology?

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Sep 18, 2011
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My school offers both Histology and Medical Embryology. Which course do you all think is more beneficial in helping out in med school? Any M1 or M2 with insight would be appreciated!

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My school offers both Histology and Medical Embryology. Which course do you all think is more beneficial in helping out in med school? Any M1 or M2 with insight would be appreciated!

Not M1 or M2... but I took both. If you can take both, do both for sure. But if the choice is between one only... I would recommend histo (cuz it's super cool). If you haven't taken anatomy yet though, take embryo, it will make anatomy that much easier when you do get there.
^^ Agree to disagree. But I dont personally feel as though either course would help you to any real degree. Granted both are cool courses! I took embryo once in grad school and histology twice once in undergrad and once in grad school and it didnt help at all in med school.

Take the course you will ENJOY more...not which will potentially help you in med school.
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My school offers both Histology and Medical Embryology. Which course do you all think is more beneficial in helping out in med school? Any M1 or M2 with insight would be appreciated!

Either would be fine since you'll be taking both of those subjects in med school. I think it would be beneficial to have taken these subjects before. I took two Anatomy courses in college, both of which had Histology sections, and so far, the material in my med school's Histo class has been review. But I just started my first year and we don't start Anatomy until Nov, so I couldn't comment on Embryology.

The classes are definitely different in med school. Biochemistry has been way more in-depth and clinically-oriented compared to the college Biochem course I took. But I would say it has been helpful to have background.
Histology is pretty easy--I'm doing fine without ever taking it in undergrad. At least at my school, embryo is supposed to be a monster, but we don't start it for another 3 weeks, so I can't say from personal experience. I wouldn't worry about getting histo in during undergrad, but if you can get embryo it'll probably be helpful.
Humans should just hatch from eggs.
You guys actually thought histo/embryo was a help? Interesting...but then again histo/embryo were s a pretty big joke when compared with the rest of the M1 courses. I still stand by my statement to take the course that you think will the the most interesting to you (and thus you will probably get a better grade).
Embryology. Histo is easy and you'll forget most of it anyway.
I've heard medical students say that histology is a very difficult course, but one that is necessary for success during rotations. So I'd think histology.
I've heard medical students say that histology is a very difficult course, but one that is necessary for success during rotations. So I'd think histology.

Histo is BY FAR the easiest M1 class you take FYI.
Histology was an awesome class. Personally, I felt most of it was intuitive. You start recognizing structures and all of a sudden you know what the function is and therefor what the tissue is. I wouldn't mind taking an embryology course though, think that would be useful.