Holidays and Winter Breaks

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10+ Year Member
Sep 2, 2010
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Hey, guys,

What school do you attend and how long is your winter break? I'm trying to get an idea of how the holidays compare.

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Don't pick your school based on breaks...

That being said, at OSU our winter is about a month. Breaks follow the university schedule. However, we are in school year round after the start of second year.
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Don't pick your school based on breaks...

That being said, at OSU our winter is about a month. Breaks follow the university schedule. However, we are in school year round after the start of second year.

. . . I am not using this information to help me choose between schools, as I have already chosen. But I really DO think this is something important for students who are out-of-state, because some schools have short, awkwardly positioned breaks and how frequently you can go home is something that will contribute to your happiness at a school.
PUCO usually has about 3 weeks off for the winter break. Until 4th year - then it depends on which rotation you are currently at - you don't get the same school breaks 4th year as the rest of the years.
A month off for winter break at nova for OD1s and a week for spring break
2 days and we have midterm on the day of return. Don't go to UAB, hands down the hardest optometry school in the nation. We have 7 courses which include online courses where you are handed books to memorize with no instructors.
2 days and we have midterm on the day of return. Don't go to UAB, hands down the hardest optometry school in the nation. We have 7 courses which include online courses where you are handed books to memorize with no instructors.

To clarify, there are 2 days for fall break, and 2 weeks for winter break at UAB. Also a week for spring break. Summer OD1 is a few weeks, but in school most of the summer.
2 days and we have midterm on the day of return. Don't go to UAB, hands down the hardest optometry school in the nation. We have 7 courses which include online courses where you are handed books to memorize with no instructors.

No offense, but how are you qualified to make that statement? Unless you have attended every optometry school for at least one semester, that sounds like a slight exaggeration.

Best of luck to you though, fourth year is awesome (there's light at the end of that tunnel)

For ICO's winter break: 2 weeks
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2 days and we have midterm on the day of return. Don't go to UAB, hands down the hardest optometry school in the nation. We have 7 courses which include online courses where you are handed books to memorize with no instructors.

We have those same problems at OSU as well, and no remediation program. Getting two D's at any point during your optometric schooling results in being removed from the program.

You're not alone, and your school is not the most difficult. Not saying mine is, but those issues don't make your school worse than any others.