Hospitalist job offer 220K base + production/quality

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Jun 8, 2012
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I am currently a PGY-2 in a community hospital in the east coast. While I was initially interested in a specialty career, I find the hospitalist gig attractive. I have a senior who received the above offer. It is for an academic hospital in Pennsylvania, working 7 on/7 off schedule in a non-teaching position. The offer doesn't require overnight schedules, with no procedures and there is a separate code team. There is also a dedicated admitting physician during the day, so, you get few admissions here and there. The patient census ranges anywhere from 14-20 depending on the day/season.

Is this considered a good offer in PA state for someone fresh out of residency in the east coast?

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I'm not familiar with PA, but I'd want to know what quality plus production was, and what the other hospitalist make and how they pay it out.
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I am currently a PGY-2 in a community hospital in the east coast. While I was initially interested in a specialty career, I find the hospitalist gig attractive. I have a senior who received the above offer. It is for an academic hospital in Pennsylvania, working 7 on/7 off schedule in a non-teaching position. The offer doesn't require overnight schedules, with no procedures and there is a separate code team. There is also a dedicated admitting physician during the day, so, you get few admissions here and there. The patient census ranges anywhere from 14-20 depending on the day/season.

Is this considered a good offer in PA state for someone fresh out of residency in the east coast?

Pennsylvania has pretty diverse human geography. Would be interested in knowing where exactly. The middle of PA is a pretty different ball game compared to the metro/suburb areas like Pitt and Philly. Could also help determine how bad or good the salary is.
depend, if you go more than 1.5 hours drive away from Metros (philly, Pittsburgh), you can get starting compensation of 250-290k (open ICU, required procedures), on top of sign bonus, quality incentives.
Pennsylvania has pretty diverse human geography. Would be interested in knowing where exactly. The middle of PA is a pretty different ball game compared to the metro/suburb areas like Pitt and Philly. Could also help determine how bad or good the salary is.
not getting that in philly...
From what I hear, philly is terrible even the surrounding suburban hospitals aren’t that great. These straight up hospitalists are lucky to crack 200k if they work there for 5 years and consistently meet whatever metrics the employer makes up to get the bonus. My attending during residency was getting 165k and that was with quality metrics and a larger census. But who knows it’s been a few years, maybe I’ll be proven wrong. Maybe the OP can help out here.
I know quite a few folks who got offers in that range for large academic hospitals, both teaching and non-teaching services, in major desirable coastal cities.
I know quite a few folks who got offers in that range for large academic hospitals, both teaching and non-teaching services, in major desirable coastal cities.
its about average for smaller cities, even coastal ones, but not major cities like philly, (160-180K), DC (180-200K), NYC (160-200K) or Boston (180-200K) ...don't know about Miami but i would think in the same neighborhood.

30 -60 mins out of the city...225 K + is very doable.
its about average for smaller cities, even coastal ones, but not major cities like philly, (160-180K), DC (180-200K), NYC (160-200K) or Boston (180-200K) ...don't know about Miami but i would think in the same neighborhood.

30 -60 mins out of the city...225 K + is very doable.

For boston and philly I have been told by folks they're getting over 200k, admittedly it wasn't detailed and very possibly that could've included bonus, incentives, etc. I know more certainly that on desirable west coast cities, ~220k not including bonus/incentives is very possible. Not that it's necessarily relevant to the OP, but then again we're all just speculating what part of PA they're referring too.
Great input from everyone. The location is around the Lehigh valley area.
They do provide a sign-on bonus. I do not have further information regarding production/quality bonus. The location seems convenient and close to major metropolitan cities like NYC and Philly. No need for procedures. Closed ICU. Separate RRT/Code team.
They do provide a sign-on bonus. I do not have further information regarding production/quality bonus. The location seems convenient and close to major metropolitan cities like NYC and Philly. No need for procedures. Closed ICU. Separate RRT/Code team.

Look into “sign on bonus.” Do you have to stay for x years, or you pay back? Make sure you get benefits or are you 1099 contractor? It’s probably not a bad gig, but make sure you understand what you need to do. How much more can you expect for productivity? Is the schedule to your liking? 7 on 7 off? Nights? Call? 401k matching? How long before the match is vested? Are you working for the hospital? Are you working for a private group?

As usual, most jobs come down to three things. Location, work load and money. Most of the time, you get to pick 2.... if you’re really really really lucky, then just maybe you can have three.

Good luck.
Great input from everyone. The location is around the Lehigh valley area.

So basically the Allentown area which is about 40-50mins from Philadelphia. I’m guessing this is either LVHN or a branch of St. Luke’s. At 220K, mostly a meh given the area. Would have thought like 5-10K higher.
its about average for smaller cities, even coastal ones, but not major cities like philly, (160-180K), DC (180-200K), NYC (160-200K) or Boston (180-200K) ...don't know about Miami but i would think in the same neighborhood.

30 -60 mins out of the city...225 K + is very doable.

First year out, my base is 35-50% more than that in the DC area. I do 7 on, 7 off. Technically one of the 2 weeks could be nights (if we are short on nocturnist coverage).

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I interviewed in an academic community hospital in Philly suburb.
base salary is 200k, and with bonus can be up to 240k
I interviewed in an academic community hospital in Philly suburb.
base salary is 200k, and with bonus can be up to 240k

Maybe MAin line health or a branch of one of the mega systems in philly like Jeff or UPenn. Surprised at really just a 20K difference between Lehigh valley and philly.