Hours worked per week for Pharmacists?

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Nov 20, 2004
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How many hours do you (pharmacist) work per week?

I saw the job description said "expect long working hours", but how many hours do pharmacists work exactly...?

I would consider 40 hours / week is normal for most of the professions.

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The pharmacists I work with rotate... One week they work 36 hours then the next week they work 40-44. They work three 12's the first week and then the next week they work four 10's or something like that.

Its definitely not uncommon though for pharmacists to work long hours. If you do retail/community pharmacy, stores can be open really late which extends work hours.
staroceanX said:
How many hours do you (pharmacist) work per week?

I saw the job description said "expect long working hours", but how many hours do pharmacists work exactly...?

I would consider 40 hours / week is normal for most of the professions.
Sounds like a CVS job
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Some Pharmacists work 7on/7off, too.
You're going to get answers all across the board, but most of them will be right around 35-45 hrs/wk for the average full time pharmacist.
My contract has me at 40, but my hours ended up at 42/week. Now I just increased it to 48.5 as my partners wife is having a baby and he wants to work less. Totally cool with me- OT every week in my own store!

I figure if residents can push 80 hour weeks and the same with ibankers Ive got no problem picking up 1/2 a day every week and getting a roughly 20k a year increase.
55 - 85, I am a slave (resident, I mean) though.
I work 84 hours in one week then one week off
I work right around 51 hours a week. Two full extra shifts a pay period with a 6 hour double thrown in on some morning. Time and a half is hard to pass up, and it really adds to the paycheck.
I work right around 51 hours a week. Two full extra shifts a pay period with a 6 hour double thrown in on some morning. Time and a half is hard to pass up, and it really adds to the paycheck.

If you don't mind what is your hourly pay and region?
The pharmacists I work with rotate... One week they work 36 hours then the next week they work 40-44. They work three 12's the first week and then the next week they work four 10's or something like that.

Sounds like an interesting schedule. Does this include relief help from the float pool?
85 hours per week!!!!!!! how do you even survive that!?
My total comes to 80 hours per 2 week pay period ....I DON'T do over-time.

I value my free time outside of work too much. :hardy: