How can I be a more competitive applicant?

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Apr 29, 2016
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Everything is fine to be honest, your stats and even ECs seem to be higher than a lot of other applicants, just score high (20+) on the DAT and you're set. Even if you score 18 youre still in good shape.
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GPA/EC looks great. Score over 20+ on the DAT and you'll get interviews and being an URM helps.
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Keep on shadowing. All it comes down to is the DAT. Even then, you are what Howard and Meharry look for so a 18 AA would get you in.
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As long as you don't bomb the DAT you will get in somewhere, most likely your state school but you have the potential to go just about anywhere. Just keep shadowing and study hard for the DAT you don't need to do much else lol
Keep on shadowing. All it comes down to is the DAT. Even then, you are what Howard and Meharry look for so a 18 AA would get you in.

How much more hours do you think I should get?
As long as you don't bomb the DAT you will get in somewhere, most likely your state school but you have the potential to go just about anywhere. Just keep shadowing and study hard for the DAT you don't need to do much else lol
I live in Arizona so there is no state school! lol
Get at least 50 more shadowing hours and work on getting a 20+ on your DAT and you'll be fine!
As many as you can. 50 more is ideal.