How can I do the 150 free questions? Where to go?

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Jun 5, 2007
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I don't have any cd or anything and I was wondering where I can get access to the 150 free questions. Please can someone post up a link or some kind of instructions on how to get to it? Thank you!!

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I don't have any cd or anything and I was wondering where I can get access to the 150 free questions. Please can someone post up a link or some kind of instructions on how to get to it? Thank you!!

Bear in mind that it is probably worth what you pay for it. I saw very little similar to those questions on the real thing in terms of level of difficulty. The for-fee tests on the NBME site more closely resemble the real thing, and you get a lot more value using the time doing world or qbank questions in tutor mode in terms of actually learning.