How Do I Get Paid? A Beginner's Guide to Physician Compensation

Very helpful article.

Any suggestions for learning more details about managing a private practice? Is there a book about this?
I think there is a pretty obvious spin against traditional FFS payments in this article. Most physicians remain in private practice, and if you are employed, who ever is paying you will get payed mostly by FFS reimbursement. RVU is essential just FFS for employed doctors. The other models are not really beneficial to treating physicians, they will provide more hoops to jump through and road blocks to getting paid for seeing patients.

I like to call "fee for service" "paid to see patients," while other models I would call "paid to jump through hoops."
I don't understand. I am going to come off as ignorant just so someone can blow my mind with awesome logic: how come some people get to work in cubicles with 0 productivity and get paid a steady wage, while now doctors are expected to get paid only if there's something actually wrong with the patient. What happens if a doctor has a full day where he just examines patients, and nothing is wrong with them? Does he get paid next to none?

Again, this was really hastily thought out and the logic may be weak, but this whole thing is new to me and I kind of want to let it make sense.