how do you primarily remember material: mnemonics or repetition?

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15+ Year Member
May 1, 2006
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i did a search and a noticed a ton of ppl here use mnemonics. when you are studying for a test, what are the main techniques you use to help you study?- mnemonics, notecards, quizzing, constant repetition, rewriting main points from notes, reading out loud, etc? how much use of mnemonics is too much?

i personally find i have to quiz myself over and over by asking myself a question then actually writing down the answer. mnemonics play a huge role in remembering this. i noticed when i use constant repetition of the material i forget it a week or so later. rewriting my notes does practically nothing for me. then again, i have a few friends who can just read a paragraph once or twice, and the material stays. oh how i envy that ha.

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spo01 said:
i did a search and a noticed a ton of ppl here use mnemonics. when you are studying for a test, what are the main techniques you use to help you study?- mnemonics, notecards, quizzing, constant repetition, rewriting main points from notes, reading out loud, etc? how much use of mnemonics is too much?

i personally find i have to quiz myself over and over by asking myself a question then actually writing down the answer. mnemonics play a huge role in remembering this. i noticed when i use constant repetition of the material i forget it a week or so later. rewriting my notes does practically nothing for me. then again, i have a few friends who can just read a paragraph once or twice, and the material stays. oh how i envy that ha.

I think mnemonics doesn't last that long. I think repetition is the best way to get use to the concepts. Practice is the best method for studying even if you are a genius unless you have photographic memory :smuggrin:
pslee said:
I think mnemonics doesn't last that long.

I agree. That's why I make my own pnemonic devices and make them either associated with something I do for fun, or as perverted as I can possibly think up. :laugh:

Repetition too, especially writing things down (mainly just things that I have trouble remembering). Supposedly you remember alot more of what you write down vs just reading.
spo01 said:
i did a search and a noticed a ton of ppl here use mnemonics. when you are studying for a test, what are the main techniques you use to help you study?- mnemonics, notecards, quizzing, constant repetition, rewriting main points from notes, reading out loud, etc? how much use of mnemonics is too much?

i personally find i have to quiz myself over and over by asking myself a question then actually writing down the answer. mnemonics play a huge role in remembering this. i noticed when i use constant repetition of the material i forget it a week or so later. rewriting my notes does practically nothing for me. then again, i have a few friends who can just read a paragraph once or twice, and the material stays. oh how i envy that ha.

To be able to recall information, you need to effectively encode it into long-term memory. Mnemonics and repetition are two strategies to do that, and for different people some strategies work better than other. But the basic idea is that the more neuronal connections you can make, the more likely you are to remember it. So don't just repeat the same fact, definition, or mnemonic to yourself. Think about how that fact relates to other things you've studied or experienced personally, how it's changed over time, etc. Practicing/repeating all of these different ways of thinking about the fact will make youre recall more efficient. The more different ways you can relate to a fact, the better it will be encoded in your long term memory and the better you'll be able to remember it as time goes on.
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i'm superanal so i (1) first make up notecards (2) go over them over and over(repetition) and then if there's something i absolutely can't remember i use my own (3) mnemonics which are usually humorous or embarassing and that way i remember them.
spo01 said:
i did a search and a noticed a ton of ppl here use mnemonics. when you are studying for a test, what are the main techniques you use to help you study?- mnemonics, notecards, quizzing, constant repetition, rewriting main points from notes, reading out loud, etc? how much use of mnemonics is too much?

i personally find i have to quiz myself over and over by asking myself a question then actually writing down the answer. mnemonics play a huge role in remembering this. i noticed when i use constant repetition of the material i forget it a week or so later. rewriting my notes does practically nothing for me. then again, i have a few friends who can just read a paragraph once or twice, and the material stays. oh how i envy that ha.

Mnemonics are more dependable, I think.
zimmie256 said:
The more different ways you can relate to a fact, the better it will be encoded in your long term memory and the better you'll be able to remember it as time goes on.

This is me. I avoid memorizing stuff as much as possible; learning about it from multiple different angles helps me understand it, and then I remember it without having to try so hard. However, there are some things that just have to be memorized, and for those I guess I use a combination of repetition (hopefully at least in different settings, like finding the same structure in multiple atlases, or going over it both alone and with a friend) and mnemonics.

But really I just wanted to post to give the OP a big THANK YOU for spelling "mnemonics" correctly. :thumbup: It puts you in like the 90th percentile of SDNers I think.
Repetition for the major, main, big concepts.

Mnemonics for the things that require strict memorization, ie. not-so-big concepts.
Teerawit said:
Repetition for the major, main, big concepts.

Mneumonics for the things that require strict memorization, ie. not-so-big concepts.
hahaha, T, you crack me up. :laugh:
I do a little bit of both - mnemonics only as a last resort in general because I tend to forget the mnemonic after awhile.

Repetition is key to long term memory - at least for me.
repitition is gold for me. This helps me in learning and understanding.
quizzing and practice exams reinforce everything.

read examkrackers 3 times and weak subjects I read 2-3 more times. The first read is real slow. 2nd read is faster. 3rd read goes quickly and you will pick up those final nuggets you missed.

I used mnemonics as little as possible. Only rembered 3

used flash cards for orgo reactions and for hormones in biology(memorized in 1 week)