How important is a Bachelors Degree?

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I currently have 60 units with a fair GPA of 3.5. I spent two years as a missionary in Mexico. I am 21 years old. I still need to take all my basic science classes and start studying for the MCAT. How important is it that I finish my Bachelors Degree? I could finish all my science classes in a year and a couple of summer classes compared to three more years to get a Bachelors in Accounting or Spanish or something like that. How important is it that I finish my undergrad? Will it stain my career if I don't?

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You need to get a Bachelor's degree to get into medical school. So yes, if you want to be a doctor, it's real important! In addition, it's better than having just a high school diploma. Just get it; it can only help you... A LOT more.
First, don't cross post threads. Ask your question in one place only.

Second, while a BA or BS is not required, it is highly recommended. You have a lot of undergrad school left and you are young, so go get your degree. Yes, people are accepted without them, but not very many. It is in your best interests to get your degree.
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A lot of medical schools require a bachelor's degree, and even those that do not require them expect that you have one. Something like 99%+ of people enrolling in medical school have them.

3.5 is a good GPA and right around the average for a medical school matriculant, but it is certainly is not the kind of stellar academic performance you might need to offset not having a bachelor's degree. It's good to have something to show for your years of work at college too.
An undergrad buddy of mine went to a Texas medical school without a BS degree (Univ of Texas Southwestern at Dallas) and did just fine. He obviously had great stats and such to even be considered without the degree...but he recieved invites from all Texas schools. He is a peds resident in Houston now..
I currently have 60 units with a fair GPA of 3.5. I spent two years as a missionary in Mexico. I am 21 years old. I still need to take all my basic science classes and start studying for the MCAT. How important is it that I finish my Bachelors Degree? I could finish all my science classes in a year and a couple of summer classes compared to three more years to get a Bachelors in Accounting or Spanish or something like that. How important is it that I finish my undergrad? Will it stain my career if I don't?
Some carribean schools don't require a bachelor's degree. A lot of the schools ask if you've completed at least 90 credit hours. One school that comes to mind is GWU. My advice is to just go ahead and get your bachelor's. In that way, you could freely apply to wherever you want.
Practically all med schools require bachelors degrees by the time of matriculation. Yes you can apply to med school in college once you've completed the basic requirements and the mcat, but for almost every school you've got to have at least some degree to finally enter. Now, as to what type of bachelors you get (BA, BS) or what field, that's up to you. Just finish your credits and take the mcat and apply.